RPG with FTB Unleashed

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I was checking out the new Unleashed server recently, and realized it would make a really nice RPG server pack, with the metal forging of tinkers construct, the beautiful land with natura and Biomes O plenty, and all the loot from Twilight Forest. Im talking about a factions based server, with loads of quests, and possibly a deep class system with skills, if I can find a way to implement that. I do have some concerns though.

There are some obvious items to ban, like the mining laser because it breaks protected blocks, quarry to slow progress a little bit, vajra and nano saber because they are rather unbalanced against TC tools. Probably the quantum chestplate and gravisuit, because they make the user invincible to everything except piercing attacks.

There are some items that arent so clear cut. Personal safes. Should I allow them? Or should I restrict crafting and sell them at a high price, or make them earn able by voting for the server on PMC or something. For force fields(I would go with mffs calclavia, the other is disabled) are they completely impenetrable, or is there some way to get in them? The focus is on faction combat, so if a base is a hundred percent impenetrable, that makes faction raids moot(Same with warded, with recipear I should be able to block crafting, to control the amount of warded stone in circulation)

Modular power suits is another biggie. Compared to the alternatives, its rather OP for combat. Should I disable it completely, or just get rid of some sections such as the force field emitter?

What do you guys think? Does an RPG with unleashed sound cool? With the mix of tech and magic and weapons forging, it could be pretty interesting. There have been RPG servers made from the RP Immersion pack, but I have not yet seen one with this pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Force armor + sturdy + damage(5) + charge2 = invincible + one shot kill anyone(can fight wither with bare fist) + electric armor(doesn't break)
Force chainsaw + damage(5) + bleed(3) + luck(4) = 10 heart damage + bleeding + looting 4

yep, dartcraft is pretty awesome.

You can nerf almost anything in the config though...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought the chainsaw only has three sockets in it? I havent looked into it personally, only spotlights. Then again, how long does it take to get the highest level upgrade book? Longer than it would take to get some fully upgraded Manyllun weapons?
They might be invincible against normal weapons, but piercing weapons like the rapier are devastating with Manyllun blades and a whole lot of sharpness on them. How effective is the unarmed against armor? Looks like sturdy is nerfed by default, what item gives that upgrade?

For portalguns, is there a way to disable the block picking up? Thats really the only thing preventing me from enabling them atm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dartcraft can do things like add damage buffs to armor and it gets used by any force weapons you wield, rather than it being on the tool itself.

As for the upgrade cores, I don't know. I haven't seen the slots accessible in the current Unleashed but I can still upgrade my force armor as if it were a tool, right in the force table thingy like a rod or other tool. Perhaps it changed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aside from MPS, dartcraft armor is really the only upgradable armor out there. Only quantum(banning the chestpiece), The pink armor from biomes o plenty, knightly armor, and maybe one else have comparable protection. Ill probably allow dartcraft armor as it will be what most players end up wearing. Still not sure what to do about Modular Powersuits. How effective can it be in pvp combat? I would rather not have a one size fits all armor, and seeing all the 1km/s vids out there, might be a little OP. Same with the power glove, Id rather players use TC and DC tools than just having one tool that does everything. Would players react negatively to MPS being removed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looking at what dartcraft can do, I might as well disable it.

Would Ars Magica and Divine RPG fit into the theme? And would players be willing to download them? Im mostly afraid of Divine RPG clashing with Tinkers Construct, but how hard is it to get to the first new dimension anyway? Would players already have Manyllun by then? Is it even compatible with biomes o plenty?

Edit: Yea, Divine RPG wont really fit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ars Magica wouldn't be too far off, personally. As for MPS though, if it bothers you that much, cut it. If the server is well run, people will come in most cases. Whiny types that say they won't play without X mod are generally not the type of player you want to be around, while the ones that take up a challenge and run with it can be fun to team with or fight. You are the one setting up the pack, so work with what you think is fun and then find players that agree. As a server, you could always adjust the pack if appropriate. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I've decided to get rid of dartcraft anyway, so MPS could still find its way into it. Ill have to do some more field testing to be sure though. My only concern with ars magica is that players will be able to power-level with MFR essence farms. That, and if I decide to do classes, ill have to decide if thaumaturges and mages should be separate classes, or combined into one class, as balancing them against each other would be pretty challenging.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well as far as essence berries go, the bushes are fairly rare but you might check the Nature config to see if they can be disabled. Even if somebody did manage to find a large number of them, it's still a lot of effort.

You might consider more that drinking one bucket of mob essence equals a level. When you consider that the first 20 levels are easier to hit than higher ones, you could have someone using an XP extractor to keep level gains fast, then drink however many buckets for the Ars Magica gains in short order. Or just someone grinding mobs directly into mob essence.

Good luck in finding a balance you are comfortable with. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well the amount of levels you lose in AM is configurable, that might be a good source of balance. Since there is only one archmage tower in the world, I might have to add some sort of quest to unlock the augmented magic, maybe one that takes place in a mystcraft age, with some boss mobs and whatnot. Id like to add as many quest chains and other worlds as I can, because mystcraft worlds are awesome and Id love to do themed builds, but now Im just trying to get a spawn city to work.