- Jensen fairley
- 27
- twin bolter pistols, high fire rate, solid light projectiles that dissipate upon command or a few minutes of time, otherwise staying stuck where they are, also able to be used like a grappling hook
-homo chloropyllensis, a genetically modified human with chlorophlasts and much, much tougher skin, but hate eating and have to spend a certain amount of time with sufficient light, and more susceptible to temperature problems. With enough light, need never eat, and can breathe underwater under intense light. Their lack of breathing in the right conditions even in air can be unsettling.
- graphene-reinforced space suit with full vitals display, shorter-range comms ability, full inner lighting, fog lamps, backup oxygen supply for lighting failure, and a pair of tasers in the fingers activated by a spidey-style gesture.
In-air suit is similar, less thick, no oxygen supply, and he wears a scouter-style thingy instead of a visor.
Both of these are black, look slightly like leather, and have green highlights.
- Beeper grenades- create a sonic explosion as powerful as any normal grenade blast, but no heat.
-Halek knives, same solid light as his pistols, except extendable to form swords, or even coke together for a double-duelled sword.
-fairly long description
I meant you tried ._.