Title Revelations Freeze Crash constant
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack REvelations
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file https://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/5b40f529
Details of the issue The game was working fine until last night. Now I can only get into the game for a few seconds before it freezes.
I have tried repairing the install
I have upgraded and downgraded Java
I have researched and applied java arguments
I have removed the resource packs - no change so reinstated
I have googled this problem with little to no success as results are either not solved, not responded or ended up in a douche fight.
Specs are: intel 7700k, 16Gb ram, 1080ti 11Gb, c: = m.2 SSD
Java Allocated Ram 12,288 Mb
Java Arguments:
Resources Soartex Fanver, Soartex Fanver Modded Universal
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack REvelations
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file https://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/5b40f529
Details of the issue The game was working fine until last night. Now I can only get into the game for a few seconds before it freezes.
I have tried repairing the install
I have upgraded and downgraded Java
I have researched and applied java arguments
I have removed the resource packs - no change so reinstated
I have googled this problem with little to no success as results are either not solved, not responded or ended up in a douche fight.
Specs are: intel 7700k, 16Gb ram, 1080ti 11Gb, c: = m.2 SSD
Java Allocated Ram 12,288 Mb
Java Arguments:
Resources Soartex Fanver, Soartex Fanver Modded Universal
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