Replacement for frame quarry

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since frames are now gone for... A undetermined amount of time, is there a quarry that we can use that is similar in power consumption and in item output?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Similar in power input and item output? Impossible, since RP2 Frame Quarries ran on solar power with enough energy stockpiled during the day to run at full speed at night. They were insanely cheap to run(perhaps not to build) and ate whole chunks at a time, one layer at a time.

Assuming you don't mind actually spending some energy and resources, I'd suggest looking into Buildcraft for it's Quarry. But you have to manually move it now and then, as well as supply power that isn't totally free and easy to get.

If you MUST have a self-moving mining system, try Railcraft and it's Tunnel Borer, which doubles as a decent auto-miner, if only in one direction. Steve's Carts 2 has some cool ones as well, but you may not like the cost of a useful drill, since the very best one doesn't break, and costs a massive amount to build.

A underused option is the IC2 Miner, which, since this is FTB and you don't have to make the config changes yourself(hopefully!), should mine everything you already can get, but has a lower impact on the world since it digs a one block hole and mines near that.

A recent addition to the mining systems out there is Mekinsim and it's Digital Miner, which can even silk touch stuff for you if programed correctly(IIRC), leaves no holes in the earth save for where the ores were, and plain ol' looks sexy.

At the complete opposite side of cost in terms of resources and power is the MFR Laser Miner, which got a massive buff since Powercrystals stopped working on it(again...), able to mine up quite literally anything in FTB and likely beyond, from under the bedrock. Hint: It's just making ores from energy at this point. You may need a super powerful source of energy at this point to run the bloody thing, Big Reactors is a good choice at this point by the way, but it's damn fine with the ore output.

Or if you MUST have a automated mining system like a RP2 Frame Quarry, try MFFS, it has a way to move it's force fields(and emitters) and break blocks as well. Not as cheap as RP2 but just as functional.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mobile solution is a TC4 arcane bore, mounted on an archimedes ship (Assuming Archimedes ships is present).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can also take a look at a group of turles armed with terrasects. Just use the terrasect to send the fuel straight to them and it doubles as a way to get the items back to base!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Calclavia's MFFS can be used to make frameships with the force manipulator. Basically, you can pick up an area and move it by one block. Direwolf20 has a demonstration of a compact inchworm drive.

The energy requirements for a simple little ship are quite reasonable and are attainable in survival. The disintegrator module can mine, but it is an unreasonable energy hog. I tried transition planes and got it to work after some tinkering but that got stuck on fluids - arcane bores seemed to work best.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been using Railcrafts tunnel bore, it's quite good. It's not overly expensive (a bunch of steel, but not much else) and runs just fine with charcoal. The only problem is that it does require increased maintenance, since it will stop when it detects lava or water ahead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lots of very good advise.

I would just add to this that you can have a massive chunk clearing, free moving setup that can output as much or more than frame quarries depending on your scale. The caveat as is often the case is how comfortable you are with Computercraft (Or comfortable with just downloading somone else's code).

Direwolf20 did a one off video on how to set up a mining operation that can achieve massive income and is easily expandable.

I hope that is useful.


Edit: This set up may require more power as it cannot run on solars (directly). I couldn't say how much it needs as I have never built it.