It's really nice to be able to totally agree with someone.
By the way, I'm absolutely not adverse to people speculating about things like consciousness, the nature of reality, etc or questioning current thought. I do get a little bugged though by people who want to equate science and the scientific method with belief. As Drbretto said, very eloquently, science is by definition the things we don't have to believe since we can test the belief out of them.
Of course there's always going to be stuff on the periphery, that's either still pure speculation or hasn't been tested yet or not enough but that has to be expected, required.
My only worry is sometimes the language scientists use when dealing with the general public/press. For example, inflationary theory has been around since the seventies, but it's only recently (with the detection of gravitational waves) that any chance of testing the theory has become remotely possible. Yet if you heard some scientists talk about inflation, you'd think it was already a done deal. It's not a problem when they're talking amongst themselves as they have enough understanding to not have to bother to be so careful, but a lot more care should be taken for those outside.
Another interesting misconception is that scientists always want to maintain consensus. Actually, the contrary is often true. No-one's going to make a name for themselves just peddling the existing theories and ideas. A good example of that is the number of physicists who were really hoping that the Higgs boson
wouldn't be discovered as that would mean a whole rethink of the standard model would have have to be done.