Regenerate world?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So yeah, I started a dw20 world, but after a couple of das I regretted that decision, I missed gregtech :(
I simply put it in Mindcrack and added EE3 ( no solar panels whatsoever, no issues with converting ), but, as you probably guess, there is no natural Iridium, Bauxite or Rubies ( for energy crystals ). How do I regenerate the world?

And yes, I did some googling. Mystcraft world is not an option, it's a pain in the ass to get into it ( you need to take 1 day for that just to get the world you'd like to have ) nor is mcedit a good idea. I also don't feel like travelling too far away from my base, if I die I won't be able to retrieve my stuff. Isn't there something I'm overlooking?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Outside of nuking the world and starting over you could in delete chunks directly via the region folder. I would recommend backing it up before doing anything since the if you make a mistake calculating cords to region file you could end up deleting stuff you don't want to. The regions chunks you delete should regen next time you go to them.

It is not the cleanest solution only one I have found to work in the past.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well is sort of annoying so heres the wiki for the long answer

The short(ish) one.

Well basically regions are r.x.z.mca where in x is the x cord for the region and z is the z cord of the region.
Regions are 32 chunks by 32 chunks which themselves are 16 blocks by 16 blocks. So to get your cords you have to first figure out your chunk so dived your X.Z cords by 16 and round down for positive numbers and up for negative. Then dived that by 32 and that will get you your region cords.

Like I said fairly annoying to do and your nuking huge tracks of 512 x512 block for ever region file you delete. So back up before you delete anything.

edit: Also just a side note if since you will be regenerating parts of your world under a different world gen don't be to shocked to find mismatched boarders when the regions rebuild. Not a huge deal but some people don't like how those look.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really care about the looks, so that won't be an issue. Thank you for your reply, I'm going to calculate that right now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah anything 0-512 x and 0-512 z should be region zero so r.0.0.mca I am going guess that you built close to the default spawn then.

So if your base is there you should be able to delete any other mca file and have it regen. Once again I highly suggest making a back up before deleting anything.

And thanks for the link that is a great little tool. would have come in handy after the great server crash do to pipe over flow I had a while back. Someone (me) left there quarry running with no planed overflow came back to something like 30k item enitys all over the place. Could not even /tp to collect them had to delete the region file to even get the server to stay up more then a minute. It was a mess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It has been done. Moving to another region to test it.
I also noticed I get a huge fps drop when I tab or open a chest..?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure about any drop related to tab or chest. But it will be sort of laggy anytime it has to rebuild the regions. Basically it is like you just restarted the world so theres a lot of chunk gen going on. Once you filled out the chunks around it should go back to normal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, that was urnelated, it started being that way before I deleted the regions.
Very annoying when I'm trying to program turtles or use items in any manner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure if this will be helpful, but there IS a regenerate world option in the save select screen. You could regenerate it and use NEI to rebuild your base. The advantages being its the same world and everything. Disadvantages being taking the time to rebuild your base .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, I want to avoid doing that. My base is very complicated ( I just hid all power supply and water supply behind the wall, such a pain in the ass ) so that isn't an option.