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Timezone:GMT 00
Minecraft IGN:Markus031098
Skype or Teamspeak:skype
A little about yourself:I have been playing FTB mindcrack for about a year and a half and i am a very friendly and good mannered person.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?:Well sir i would say down with magic(joke i have with friends,i am nicknamed the anti mage) and up with tech!
Age: 15

Country: Canada

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Minecraft IGN: Copyrighted_inc

Skype or Teamspeak: xDrifty (Skype)

A little about yourself: I am a responsible, trustworthy and fun guy! I like to play FTB because it so interesting. I can spend 2-5 hours daily on your server and will be creative and explorative. I like meeting new people and hanging out with my friends. I am non-destructive and grief free, I am not a thief and I respect others, myself and property. I like to watch Etho, Bdubs and VintageBeef. I know a lot about FTB and can survive independently and help others as much as I can!

What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?: ThaumCraft is a painful but rewarding mod, I don't like how long and boring it is to achieve the better tools. BuildCraft is my favorite mod probably and it adds so much to the game, and GregTech adds on to it and makes it so you don't beat the game in a couple of hours.
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Reactions: Chris221221
Age: 17
Country: USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Minecraft IGN: chris221221
Skype or Teamspeak: littlelittlecna (Skype)
A little about yourself: I like the playing in a community. I play minecraft daily, so I'll be active on the server.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Magic vs. Industry and a challenge for GregTech. I love GregTech for the challenge it creates and the ability to continue playing for months on end! Buildcraft adds a good middle ground for the game as its not hard or easy to move it due to the more advanced features and builds you can make. ThaumCraft has some nice tools but can be boring to achieve the required spells to use craft those tools.
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Reactions: Copyrighted
Age: 20
Country: US of A
Timezone: EST ( +500)
Minecraft IGN: Robonaut9211
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype. chill_pill007
A little about yourself: I am a college student looking to get into modded minecraft. Seems fun and have had played it before. Playing on a multiplayer level allows me to talk to people and have fun as a group. I am busy with school but playing MC once in a while doesnt hurt.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?
I know all these mods. Only thing Greg makes things obnoxiously hard but not impossible to make. TC is fun with the research and BC is a must for storage transportation.
Country: england
Timezone: gmt, london
Minecraft IGN:scotshepherd
Skype or Teamspeak: have team speak and my Skype name is scot.shepherd2
A little about yourself: I love gaming and have done since little I play ps3 and pc. feed the beast is amazing and love it .. I have a youtube channel that's doing ok and I wanna make videos with more people
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? ilove buildcraft and don't mind the rest and gregtech makes the game more fun
Minecraft IGN:gwtje
Skype or Teamspeak:skype=gwtjeee
A little about yourself: I am a very mature minecraft player that always tries to make the most out of the game with a bit of messing around occasionally. I also have a youtube account with about 120 subs wich i'm hoping to grow a lot when i get my new pc in the next few weeks (have been recording with 8 fps) so I am hoping to start a season 2 on the server for my ftb serie. I am quit experienced with all the mods, some have evolved a lot over the past 2-3 months i havent played ftb tho. Hopefully i will hear of you soon.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? First 2 sound awesome, i gotta dig into the new stuff from thaumcraft (not sure if that in the modpack already) and i have a lot of experience with buildcraft (was first mod i tried out) Gregtech is interresting... I love that it adds a lot of stuff to the game and makes it take longer to get to a certain technolegy level. However at the same time sometimes it makes it a little bit too hard! Depends a lot on wich difficulty gregtech is set to.
Age: 19
Country: USA
Timezone: -5:00 EST
Minecraft IGN: joshjayk
Skype or Teamspeak: skype: joshjayk, and I have teamspeak.
A little about yourself: I'm a college sophomore, majoring in biochemistry and german with minors in chemistry and computer science. I like playing minecraft, especially with friends because it adds so many new aspects to the game. I was at first hesitant to try FTB because I thought it would be too confusing, but I love it and I'm glad I began to play FTB.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? My favorite mod is IC2, but out of those three it's probably buildcraft, then gregtech, then thaumcraft. I have the most experience with buildcraft because that is what I like to mess with the most. I enjoy gregtech because the game without gregtech seems too easy to advance in technology. Thaumcraft is a whole other element of the game that I haven't yet messed with because i usually consider it a luxury(something I can look at after finalizing my energy via buildcraft/IC2).
Age: 21
Country: USA
Timezone: -7 GMT
Minecraft IGN: ChaseNetwork
Skype or Teamspeak: rapierone
A little about yourself: I belong to the Zombie Pigman Legions.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Have I applied here before? I've seen this question worded exactly like this before somewhere.
Age: 16
Minecraft IGN: procrastonator
Skype or Teamspeak: um both my skype is andrewstultz
A little about yourself: I go to public school at glenvar high and do a lot of thing such as Swim team Band french and i have a 3.5
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? work to get all of the items and make really cool things
Age: 16
Country: Lithuania
Timezone: GMT +2
Minecraft IGN: fanta232
Skype or Teamspeak: skype - lukutciukas
A little about yourself: I'm the loner type guy in class who watches anime and reads manga. Oh and I can speak English fluently.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Science vs. Fiction
age: 14

country: united states

timezone: mountain time

ign: xxoblivionxx5.

skype or teamspeak: my skype is marcosm400.

a little about yourself: i am pretty mature like to joke around sometimes but im mostly serious.

what do you think when i say thaumcraft vs build craft? or Gregtech: i haven't played with thaumcraft that much but i have with buildcraft and i havent played with gregtech either.
Age: 24
Country: Norway
Timezone: +1 GMT
Minecraft IGN: Peedyman
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype: Peedy1235 also have TS3
A little about yourself: Man 24 I work days and play or party nights. Work is part time so I got plenty of time to play and stuff.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Luck vs hard work... Thats atleast what I remember about ThaumCraft(not a big fan of that mod).
If you are accepted or I wish to talk to you I will send you a contact request on skype. If no skype name is left then I will send you a message on the forums.
Age: 15
Timezone: GMT +0
Minecraft IGN: TheEpicBuilder99
Skype or Teamspeak: luca.kennedy1
A little about yourself: I had my own server shut down, so I am looking for a new one with a friendly community and the modpack running pure as I hate it when stuff I like is banned (nano-sabers, quarries etc) I enjoy building useful machines and complex construction lines with ftb. I also love builfing large builds and showing them off to my friends. I have a real good computer and mic. Please let me join this awesome server!
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I think awesome V amazing, but I think greg tech can be a bit annoying but still very good!:p
Age: 16
Country: Canada
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Minecraft IGN: Eddie_Edwardson
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype: camwray88
A little about yourself: I am really into community playing with people that know each other. I am very calm and active.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I think magic versus technology.
Age: 14
Country: Thailand
Timezone:GMT +7
Minecraft IGN: DT_Darkness
Skype or Teamspeak: Teamspeak (Templar)
A little about yourself: I mostly busy on the weekdays because of homework,the football team, basketball team training, so i come one for only a hour or two but on the hoildays sometimes i play 7 straight hours
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? well i love thaumcraft and buildcraft so if i were to chose a side i would try to stay neutral with buildcraft people, but i would join the magic side
Age: 13 (I may be younger then a lot of people applying but I am really mature)
Country: United States
Timezone: GMT -5:00
Minecraft IGN: Kish30
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype: Kish30-Minecraft
A little about yourself: I am in 8th grade and I play soccer. I have been doing pretty good in school even though I play about 3-5 hours of minecraft a day since I am on a whitelisted vanilla server, but I want to start with FTB again. I have played it for a couple months before but now it seems a lot more interesting.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I am personally more interested in the magic of things but I will definitely be doing some GregTech for sure.