KirinDave, the issue of compatibility is besides the point.
I am not so sure.
However the system itself was superior to the made up stuff we have today and if IC2/BC/etc suddenly went with that system and remained open it would be an improvement.
Would it though? I mean, are you assuming a bunch of extra dev work got done? Because as it stood in the last drops I played before moving to 1.5, RP2 was a fire-and-forget power source which had a fair number of bugs involving power drain (very small drains to batteries often got ignored, which is why huge sorting systems often ran off one thermopile even when the numbers suggested they'd go dry under load) and who's model actually failed to scale correctly for long-distance power transmission.
I mean, if we imagine an idealized world where Elo & others finished the system, ironed out the bugs, and then altered the model such that any attempt at moving large amounts of power didn't demand a wire which removed effective all resistance and that ALSO was not such a cpu killer for looped networks?
That's a lot of ifs. And a fundamental change to the wire modeling. And some elegant and as of yet unproposed fix to the rather hard problem of modeling real world electrical networks with lots of crosstalk. Is that even Blutricity 1.0 anymore?
All systems have shortcomings, you cant just disregard one based on one disadvantage, you study it, remove the disadvantage and produce positive progress.
Well, all open systems. Eloraam's disdain for her peers and the modding community was so pronounced and pernicious, she oped to kill the project rather than pass it on. She respects us so little and is so loss averse she couldn't even be bothered to abandon the project in a gpl license. Because evidently there was mega awesome stuff in there that was going to be for another game! Except not, I guess.