Redpower 2 Managers

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Scott Bradley

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lately I've been trying to set up a system to keep my fermenters filled with compressed plant balls and have been trying to do so using managers. But, for some reason managers don't work for me, Example: I have a chest connected to the front of the managers that I want to have a full stack of sugarcane in at all times, and a chest connected to the back of the manager via pneumatic tubes filled with sugarcane (this isn't how I'm trying to use the managers just trying to find out how they work). So from what I've read on the wiki the manager which has 1 stack of sugarcane in its GUI should keep the chest connected directly to the front of it filled with 1 stack of sugarcane if it has power. So, if I manually put more than 1 stack of sugarcane in the chest on the front it will withdraw the excess and put the excess into the chest on the back so that part works. But, when I empty the chest on the front nothing happens, it just stays empty, the manager doesn't do anything.
If anybody knows what I'm doing wrong or of a better way of doing it that would be great.
BTW, I've tried using BC pipes and an autarchic gate but it doesn't keep of with the demand of plant balls.

Thank you for your time.
Firstly, make sure you have a second manager somewhere in your system that can accept sugarcane (or any other item you might want to have in your system). Second, make sure that the manager which is requesting a stack has a higher priority than the "overflow" manager, or your sugarcane will stay in the overflow chest.
Ok managers work with other managers. Connect 2 managers to two different chests and connect the managers with tubes. Make sure both are powered and facing correctly. Then set one manager with one stack of sugarcane and use its settings to set it for the exact amount, also set its priority to 1. Then set the other manager's settings to the accept any amount and put 1 sugarcane in its grid. and keep its priority at 0.
drop 2 stacks of cane in one of the chests and it should sort itself out.... I think.
Kinda hard to do this from memory at work.
managers can only access inventories on their front side (the black one), the rear can only interact with tubes, so you will need something that puts stuff into a tube at the back of the manager so it can refill it's chest. The most simple setup would be something like:

chest - manager - tube - manager - chest

so one manager can request items from the other one. Also make sure you set them up properly, right proirities and settings

If you just want to pump stuff into a tube network and keep an inventory supplied with e.g. a stack of sugarcane, the regulator would be a cheaper alternative :)
Routers also have the nice property of stopping their action once something is full. Two routers (one with ejector) can keep a whole fleet of fermenters running.
Ive had a slightly different problem with the managers. Any input would be greatly appreciated. So I hook my managers up and when they realize something is not right they pull everything and put it in the line. They end up keeping the correct amount filled but the problem is the back log in the pipes since it pulls so much. Anyone else have this problem?
That is normal behavior for managers since they only send a request into a tube network but no confirmations. Thus a supplying manager will keep on sending items until the request from the other manager stops. A way to get around that is either keep the network small or use magtubes.
items go faster from manager A to manager B so manager A has to send less items and the backlogged items go back faster ;)