I'm trying to make an automatic wheat energy farm, but I am having trouble with some of the mechanisms. I'm sure the way I'm doing it now is a little over complicated, so I'll explain it in stages.
The first stage is on the ground level, about 20-30 blocks above the roof of my lab, and about 33-43 blocks from the floor of my lab. The wheat is gathered and the seeds replanted via Thaumcraft Golems, which are stationed at the four chests near the four corners of a 17x16-ish wheat farm. The items from the four chests are piped out, and into a center golden chest for processing.
The progressing begins with a filter hooked to a timer to dispense uncolored items into the main pneumatic tube system. From there, it travels a pretty far distance to a Sorting Machine. This is where one of my problems begins: it doesn't see the Sorting Machine as an output, despite it having full power. I tried to hook a chest up to it, then having something eject them again, but the built-in inventory screen gets clogged. The Sorting Machine is powered by two columns of a 1x10 Thermopile Bluetricity mini-energy farm using three columns of water, and one column of lava. From there, it's supposed to travel a pretty far distance back near where it started from so the wheat can be distribute properly. The items have to travel a pretty far distance because of the size of my lab, and how I am designing it. I am aware of Magtubes, but they require accelerators, which require Bluetricity. I am worried that if I somehow get wires to the accelerators from the Thermopiles, that it will take a lot of the energy away needed for the Sorting Machine. The Sorting Machine is set to it's default settings, and will sort a stack of wheat and seeds at a time. The wheat is colored red, while the seeds are colored white. From there, the wheat and seeds are separated via painted pneumatic tubes. The seeds are scrapped via placement into a chest, and piped out via redstone engines into a void pipe.... (I couldn't figure out how to do it with Red Power).
The final step is turning the wheat into EU. The wheat has two outputs, the main output is to the left side of a Fermenter, while the 2nd output it blocked by a restriction pipe so wheat will only go there if the fermenter is full. I sometimes have trouble with this, as sometimes the wheat will somehow go into the slot for empty cells or cans. Using IndustrialCraft pipes, that never happens, so I might have a transfer point to them to prevent mishaps (unless you can tell me how to fix that). The extra wheat goes into a chest (which I may replace with a barrel) with dirt next to a automatic crafting table. The automatic craft table is set with a timer to dispense one unit of compost every 5 or so minutes. The compost is piped via IndustrialCraft pipes into the back of a fermenter.
From there, it is very basic. There is an aquatic accumulator under the fermenter in a 3x3 hole of water to give it infinite water. The fermenter is powered via a Energy Tesseract (Energy cells in the picture because this is my test world) which is hooked up to a 17x18 solar panel energy farm and bluetricty engines to convert it into MJ. From there, Biomass is pumped out via liquidtucts, and into a Still. The Still is also powered by an Energy Tesseract hooked up to the solar power energy farm. The now Bio-fuel is pumped out via liquiducts and into a Diseal Generator. The Diseal Generator is right next to a MFSU.