Red alloy wire?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a mod that has this or similar?

I'm looking for:
The ability to place it on the sides of blocks
The ability to run it up and down walls
The ability for it not to take up a full block like alloy wire does

I want this becuase while MFR is good and all, it all sticks out and I either feel the need to make wide spaces to hide his cables or just not use them at all.

Alloy wire was quite minimal, since it was just a two pixel wide red wire from what I can remember, and could just run up along everything that you were able to right click it onto.

In fact if you can direct me to something better, a mod that makes redstone itself able to just run vertically up walls or on any side of a block, that would be GREAT.

I will not use computercraft, I can't code, I won't code, I just don't code. It's too much for my little brain to handle.
And like I said I don't like MFR because the cables are, well, too fat (to me).

I just want something similar or better(but still in the same line with) red alloy wire.

Also while I'm here does anyone know of a better way to start out mining resources? I do strip mining at lower levels, is that fine? Is there better ways? Hell doesn't have to be better I am just tired of normal cave finding and strip mining. Is TNT fun? How do you line it up? Etc.

Sorry if this is a load.