It looks like at the moment it's taking about 16 seconds for one recycler to process one stack of cobble. So I tried setting the timer to 4.2s and it does seem much more reliable. There's still the odd occasion where something (usually dirt) will end up backstuffing into the wrong barrel, but it usually sorts itself out within a few seconds.
I think I've completely underestimated how much cobble this quarry produces, though. I was watching it and even with the retriever running (at 4s) it filled the cobble barrel to 64 stacks in just under two minutes. So I'm not sure it's even possible to keep up with this kind of input.
(Also, I did just make a bunch of logic matrices anyway, just in case.)
I think I've completely underestimated how much cobble this quarry produces, though. I was watching it and even with the retriever running (at 4s) it filled the cobble barrel to 64 stacks in just under two minutes. So I'm not sure it's even possible to keep up with this kind of input.
Routers were one of my backup plans. I might still end up doing something like that. But I've heard that thoroughness still doesn't guarantee not duplicating barrels -- since it resumes where it left off and stops as soon as it finds somewhere possible, every time the input item type changes there's a chance it'll end up in an empty barrel even if there was another one that already had that item.EDIT: Actually, after thinking about it for a bit, you don't really need the emerald pipes. Adding in a third router with Speed, Bandwidth, THOROUGHNESS and Machine Filter upgrades would solve the barrel issue. The Thoroughness upgrade makes it so that the router visits all the machines that it is able to visit in the network IN ORDER, trying to keep that inventory full at all times. Since Barrels only ever keep one kind of item in their inventory, the Router would distribute only one type of item to each Barrel. Which barrel would hold which thing would of course, vary, as the barrels are emptied and refilled, but they would all only hold one kind of item at a time. The Machine Filter is only there to make it so that the Router only visits the Barrels, and not everything else that is connected.
(Also, I did just make a bunch of logic matrices anyway, just in case.)