Hi, started a new world and needing a fairly cheap power source EXCLUDING generators.
So, please tell me... What's the best way you have found
So, please tell me... What's the best way you have found
Yea i was trying to get EU. I need a good way to power 2 electrical engines for a quarry.Well i guess this would be complicated depending on which type of power your are looking to obtain, But if its IC2 your looking for, you could use geothermal. It burns at 20 eu/t which is twice the basic generator and really not much more expensive. All of the IC2 power generation methods use a regular generator in the recipe to my knowledge but this one is fair easy to use with a good output as a single unit.
Use a bucket to fill it so you don't have to use cells by the way.
Okay, you're wanting to run a Quarry. That uses MJ, not EU. Trying to run it off of EU is going to end up wasting a lot of power. It's best to just use a machine to produce MJ directly.Yea i was trying to get EU. I need a good way to power 2 electrical engines for a quarry.
Eu[DOUBLEPOST=1356162651][/DOUBLEPOST]what power grid, blueletric volts, MJs or EU?
Alright thanks for not being harsh...Get that alot.Okay, you're wanting to run a Quarry. That uses MJ, not EU. Trying to run it off of EU is going to end up wasting a lot of power. It's best to just use a machine to produce MJ directly.
I can understand not wanting to set up an entire processing facility to make MJ, although it really isn't that hard to do. A single Biogas engine, for example, produces as much energy as both of your electric engines combined. However, there is a much simpler method.
It's called the Magmatic Engine. It runs on lava, like the Geothermal Generator, and produces 4 MJ/t, like both of your electric engines. Done. Keep it filled with a pump.
Thanks everyone~Right, check my sig, lots of links.
In thermal expansion look up Aqueous Accumulator.
In railcraft look up Hobbyist's Steam Engine.
Using NEI look up conductive pipe, you'll want one stone and up to 3 wooden conductive, also look up one hopper.
This should be enough to give you a start without costing TOO much.
Start with just one accumulator, put it under the steam engine. Put the Hobby steam engine on top of the accumulator, put a water block to the left and right of the accumalor. Put the wooden conductive pipe in front of the engine. Put the stone conductive between the wooden pipe and the quarry. Hopper goes on top of the engine, keep the hopper full of things that burn. Wood, Planks, Charcoal, Scaffolds.
It'll be slow with just one engine, you'll upgrade to 3 eventually. You can go as high as 12 in the long run, but you would hope to have some other source of power by then.