Real World vs. Forestry

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let's be honest: very few have the time or skills to make a mod. Or the time to get the skills.

Sure, but its an honest response to someone who sees a gap in the current mod offerings. Coming up with a good enough idea might even draw some people with superior coding skills.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its nice to see some comments .
Yeah precious gems arent realistic.
Ithink every idea - mod need little bit of realism. And yeah as beekeeper a TOTAL lack of realism in that part of Forestry is unrealistic because beekeeping=renewable resource of food and other stuffs. Beekeeping isnt about hunting for new and new hives.
That new mechanics changed renewable products into unrenewable products. Its part where iam dissapointed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is now possible to find "Pristine" bees that will live through an infinite number of generations. The term "Swarmer" has been removed, but replaced with "Ignoble". An Ignoble princess might die in an automated system, but if manually cared for in a "Bee House" those can also live indefinitely.

Do you have automatic machines caring for your real life bees? Maybe we should remove the ability to connect pipes to the Apiary and turn the removal of the wax frames into a small mini game?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is now possible to find "Pristine" bees that will live through an infinite number of generations. The term "Swarmer" has been removed, but replaced with "Ignoble". An Ignoble princess might die in an automated system, but if manually cared for in a "Bee House" those can also live indefinitely.

Do you have automatic machines caring for your real life bees? Maybe we should remove the ability to connect pipes to the Apiary and turn the removal of the wax frames into a small mini game?
Funny. I think something like minigame will be nice idea (i think Apiarist Golem will be only "automated" way to do it).
I have to agree, I'm a coal miner irl, mining in minecraft sucks.

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Have you ever imagines Cave-ins. I dont like ads but some mod which have them in is TerraFirmaCraft. Its funny cuz you need wodden supports for it.


I just spoiling one think. Forestry starting to be much more adventure mod...
When i sitting on chair and looking on my beatiful hives.
It's something called RELAX. Beekeeping is RELAX in-depth. Only beekeeper which feel relaxed after visiting his hives is GOOD beekeeper.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its nice to see some comments .
Yeah precious gems arent realistic.
Ithink every idea - mod need little bit of realism. And yeah as beekeeper a TOTAL lack of realism in that part of Forestry is unrealistic because beekeeping=renewable resource of food and other stuffs. Beekeeping isnt about hunting for new and new hives.
That new mechanics changed renewable products into unrenewable products. Its part where iam dissapointed.
Why on earth should we have realism in minecraft?
In the end, this is a game for FUN, sacrificing fun for "realism hurr durr" NEVER goes well, and removes the whole reason why we play these games in the first place.
And it doesnt make much sense saying that all need realism doesn't make much sense, since you have stuff like magic mods...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Funny. I think something like minigame will be nice idea (i think Apiarist Golem will be only "automated" way to do it).

Have you ever imagines Cave-ins. I dont like ads but some mod which have them in is TerraFirmaCraft. Its funny cuz you need wodden supports for it.


I just spoiling one think. Forestry starting to be much more adventure mod...
When i sitting on chair and looking on my beatiful hives.
It's something called RELAX. Beekeeping is RELAX in-depth. Only beekeeper which feel relaxed after visiting his hives is GOOD beekeeper.
Some of your post makes sense. Some doesn't. The line-break is where I see the split between those halves.

Yes, Forestry isn't "Realistic". So what? Don't like that your bees eventually die off(which is more often then not a long ways off)? Don't bother with Ignoble Bees then. Want to get the best bees you can ASAP? Use Ignoble to get there and hoard the hell of of those drones.

I can relax just fine with Forestry. Am I worried that my Queens may not produce a Princess? No, as my "future-proof" strains use Pristine princesses. Are they rarer then Ignoble Bees? Depends on how rare the hive I got them from is, actually. Forest, Meadows, Desert, Jungle? Yeah, it's about a 10% chance per hive to get a Pristine princess; if a princess drops at all. End? 100% chance for a Pristine Princess. Assorted Extra Bees hives? Seems like a 100% chance for most of 'em. Magical Bees? "Overworld" hives, again, seems like a 10% chance for Pristine when I get a princess. "Nether/End" hives? Seems like a 100% chance for Pristine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ic2 was developed by nuclear physicists and is accurate so if you are looking for a mod that obeys real life rules try playing with nuclear reactors

Come work for the CobbleCo


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 nuclear reactor explodes. Real life reactors doesn't explode.
IC2 reactors give you power directly. Real life reactors harness the heat to generate steam and running the steam through turbine to generate electricity.

I would argue Reika's ReactorCraft would be closer to the real life counterpart.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 reactors give you power directly. Real life reactors harness the heat to generate steam and running the steam through turbine to generate electricity.

there used to be a config option for this. i no longer see it in the experimental builds.

no idea if it ever functioned.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meltdown =/= Explosion. We've been over this. Yes, there were(?) explosions. Not from the reactor, though. Outside it, like, gas tanks or something.
ah, didn't really look into that, just knew there were some xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there used to be a config option for this. i no longer see it in the experimental builds.

no idea if it ever functioned.
The steam reactor setting? I used it for a while, then stopped. Why? First off, it was less powerful then the normal mode, and it only got weaker if you couldn't get all the steam out. Second, unless you used GT(and used this setting after GT added the device), you had no way to harness steam in IC2 for power, and had to use either the RC Turbine(which sucked ass and still does), or find a way to convert steam into EU via some esoteric method.
IC2 nuclear reactor explodes. Real life reactors doesn't explode.
IC2 reactors give you power directly. Real life reactors harness the heat to generate steam and running the steam through turbine to generate electricity.

I would argue Reika's ReactorCraft would be closer to the real life counterpart.

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While this is true... How the balls do RTG's work anyway?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meltdown -> Extreme heat generation from runaway fission and all that heat getting dumped into the containment -> Huge spike in pressure as water is instantly vaporized into steam -> steam explosion when the containment vessel bursts OR Hydrogen explosion after some of the steam splits into hydrogen and oxygen gas and the hydrogen autoignites

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meltdown -> Extreme heat generation from runaway fission and all that heat getting dumped into the containment -> Huge spike in pressure as water is instantly vaporized into steam -> steam explosion when the containment vessel bursts OR Hydrogen explosion after some of the steam splits into hydrogen and oxygen gas and the hydrogen autoignites

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Ah, well, that's actually pretty smart. Clever. The issue is, I guess, is that pretty much 0% of meltdowns result in that sort of thing if a human hasn't fucked it up personally. And Fukushima had a steam explosion, I think(long enough ago that I'd have to check my sources and I ain't got time for that right now), but that was more of a result of a earthquake and a tsunami. Also a design flaw; aka they put a nuclear reactor near a fault line and by the coast in a area where this shit happens.

A reactor that goes critical gets shut down by computers that run the whole bloody system. So while a steam explosion is easily possible... this isn't really true unless there is damage already, or if one is using a conventional steam boiler and lets it go dry but doesn't wait for it to cool down before giving it more water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nuclear reactors are designed so that core damage events (e.g. meltdowns) are very very rare. Newer designs also have internal protection such as chemical reactions designed to scrub hydrogen gas out of the containment structure in the event of a meltdown. Basically, in order for a steam or hydrogen explosion to happen, the reactor core has to have lost all cooling and become exposed to air. Air is a much worse coolant and water acts as a neutron moderator, so when the water is removed, fission can take off and the reactor can't be cooled, so it starts to melt itself. When the big slug of molten metal hits water again, it flashes a LOT of steam instantly, causing a huge pressure wave and a steam explosion. This is what happened at Chernobyl.

The reactor core at Fukushima survived the earthquake and tsunami. External power and on-site generators were knocked out (because the gens and their fuel were not adequately protected) and the reactor lost all cooling. It likely boiled off all the water in the core and then began to melt down. Then, some of the steam began to split into hydrogen and eventually caused a hydrogen explosion, which is what ultimately caused the damage to secondary containment and the radioactive release. If they could have kept the reactor cooled, the core would not have melted.

Fun fact - there was another nuclear plant closer to the earthquake epicenter and hit by the same tsunami. It survived just fine because its seawall was taller and its backup generators were protected. The reactor was totally undamaged.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like how i said that nuclear reactors were close to real life and now we are debating explosions, yes the ic2 nuclear mod/mods stuff functions in a very real life way, but it is still a video game and not a real reactor that is generally very big and not a 3x3x3 meter large structure that you can just pipe items into. My point by bringing up ic2 was to say it was more realistic than the forestry system of breeding bees. Not that the ic2 mod functions (or doesn't function) in the same way as nuclear reactors

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like how i said that nuclear reactors were close to real life and now we are debating explosions, yes the ic2 nuclear mod/mods stuff functions in a very real life way, but it is still a video game and not a real reactor that is generally very big and not a 3x3x3 meter large structure that you can just pipe items into. My point by bringing up ic2 was to say it was more realistic than the forestry system of breeding bees. Not that the ic2 mod functions (or doesn't function) in the same way as nuclear reactors

Come work for the CobbleCo
That is something you should get very used to on these forums. We get very, very distracted by butterflies.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Butterfly breading?!?! Fish breading?!? New forestry updates that haven't been released to public yet

Come work for the CobbleCo