Real World vs. Forestry

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all.
I was disappointed when my bees started dissapearing.
I am beekeeper from Czech Republic and i know bees CANT dissapear withour reason.
Swarming = when bees do swarm in old hive will be NEW princess and OLD queen will move into another location. (It happend when bees can't build more combs or when they cant gather more resources (No more storage) or queen is very old = 2 years and more (Queen producing pheromone when she is old she will produce less and less of it = workers will make queen cells and maggot will be feed by royal jelly)). INFO - Workers are feed by royal jelly only for few first days and drones same (after royal jelly drone are getting more pollen.). IT MEAN BEES NOT DISSAPEAR BY SWARMING (SWARM ONLY TAKE LOTS OF RESOURCES FROM OLD HIVE.)
Disease and parasite = This is real reason of dissapearing bees BUT it also destry whole hive (often wooden hives are still have some spores in them and they must be destroyed. Plastic hives are cleanable...)
But often we as apiarist have cure for some common parasites and diseases (but still several parasites and diseases cant be cured.) In my country we cant use cures which will contaminate honey and damage whole hive.

Please be nice and respect some mistakes in text . IAM not natural englisch speaker(writer).
On some comments i can reply also please some actual situations about beekeeping in America are really different when i will compare (I maybe not be able to reply.).
That was also posted on Official Forestry forum :3.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's best to not apply real life to minecraft. I suggest not using forestry if you can't detach from reality. Since you're a true beekeeper I doubt you'd enjoy the mod. Much like real chemists despise mods that use chemistry improperly.

Luckily there are no mortgages in Minecraft or I'd be irritated with the mod dev using them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's best to not apply real life to minecraft. I suggest not using forestry if you can't detach from reality. Since you're a true beekeeper I doubt you'd enjoy the mod. Much like real chemists despise mods that use chemistry improperly.

Luckily there are no mortgages in Minecraft or I'd be irritated with the mod dev using them.
My first publicly released mod will now be - Mortgagecraft ;P


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Yeah... minecraft isnt a simulator.
In terms of game design its a case of taking a [semi?] real world mechanic, and simplifying into game terms.​
By Op's example- Foresty's bee loss is usually caused by poor genetic quality; a mechanic/system brought in through bee breeding in general. Gameplay is fairly smooth and consistent and it makes sense in game, even though it isn't totally realistic.
Though if you feel like coding, a parasite add-on has a lot of potential.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
never compare [video games] with real world !

Fixed. Anyway, why would you play a video game expecting it to be realistic in the least? Isn't that point of video games? A temporary escape from real life? Like little mini vacations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is no one genuinely surprised that there's a REAL LIFE beekeeper playing with bees in Minecraft?

Imagine his delight in seeing his profession being simulated in a game. Ponder his joy in thinking his real life experience and expertise will give him a great advantage. Now sympathize with his dismay at finding this potential being wrecked by an incorrect simulation.

Damn game!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is no one genuinely surprised that there's a REAL LIFE beekeeper playing with bees in Minecraft?

Imagine his delight in seeing his profession being simulated in a game. Ponder his joy in thinking his real life experience and expertise will give him a great advantage. Now sympathize with his dismay at finding this potential being wrecked by an incorrect simulation.

Damn game!
Chemists playing with MineChem?
Programmers playing with Computer Craft?
Fishermen playing with Mariculture?
Then there's Farming with Agriculture? Chefs cooking with a large plethora of cooking based mods?

Is it really that surprising?

EDIT: Carpenters and Bibliocraft? Think of the interior decorators... or landscapers.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Chemists playing with MineChem?
Programmers playing with Computer Craft?
Fishermen playing with Mariculture?
Then there's Farming with Agriculture? Chefs cooking with a large plethora of cooking based mods?

Is it really that surprising?

EDIT: Carpenters and Bibliocraft? Think of the interior decorators... or landscapers.
Computercraft you actually code so I do not think, you know with mod devs on FC using them, that coders are dissapointed :p
EDIT: oh, I derpped. You mean people using the mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Programmers playing with Computer Craft?
Well, the programming part is fairly accurate. Given the correct API in lua, you could run ComputerCraft (CC) programs outside CC and they would be valid code. The skills are very translatable. If you became a pro at coding in CC then you could code in other lua environments quite fine. The problem is a lack of situations where you would use Lua. The programming skils also get you a leg into learning other languages because the code is similiar.

As with the whole turtle itself, that is a physics problem. The moving is fine (make the 'turtle' a flying drone) just the digging, storing blocks and so on are a problem.

So that example does'nt exactly work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the programming part is fairly accurate. Given the correct API in lua, you could run ComputerCraft (CC) programs outside CC and they would be valid code. The skills are very translatable. If you became a pro at coding in CC then you could code in other lua environments quite fine. The problem is a lack of situations where you would use Lua. The programming skils also get you a leg into learning other languages because the code is similiar.

As with the whole turtle itself, that is a physics problem. The moving is fine (make the 'turtle' a flying drone) just the digging, storing blocks and so on are a problem.

So that example does'nt exactly work.

I am aware that lua is an actual programming language. I was more focusing on people playing with a mod that's focused around their career, which is what Redboss's post was about.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fixed. Anyway, why would you play a video game expecting it to be realistic in the least? Isn't that point of video games? A temporary escape from real life? Like little mini vacations.
I hate people who are addicted to real life simulations... (well dont really hate , they are just annoying)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To the OP.
I can understand your frustration, but coding real life situations into Minecraft is a lot harder then you would think. Take Reika's Rotary Craft and Reactorcraft for example. They are based on real world physics and machines, but are quite heavy on your computer(to be specific, the CPU). There's also simplicity to take into consideration. Yes, what you state is true. However! Not everybody is a beekeeper and may find such a system too complex and/or frustrating them selves(not only having to worry about getting the right genes, but also have to worry about other factors such as parasites).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In a game where you cut down trees with your fist while the rest of the trunk stand still in the air, you shouldn't worry about realism.
Minecraft and its mods are inspired by reality to create interesting game mechanics in a sound and credible environment. Video games in general look for credibility more than realism. This is the same in movies.

I any fictional work you need some willing suspension of disbelief to engage yourself in the story that is being told. The same applies in video games.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When i was reading All of the posts. Theres is still problem. In forestry bees need modify their genes to make them "eternal". But when i will compare it a little with real life. You can see - natural hives didnt dissapear when their genes arent changed for millions of years. In real life when apiarist need queen he need fake queen cells and some cheap eqiupment (also experience).
I think swarmer is really slow method to get new queens - princess. The only point of my headache is dissapearing princcess mechanics which is really boring. Other forestry mechanics are fine they are realistic in some points. but that new mechanics DONT any idea from real beekeeping.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When i was reading All of the posts. Theres is still problem. In forestry bees need modify their genes to make them "eternal". But when i will compare it a little with real life. You can see - natural hives didnt dissapear when their genes arent changed for millions of years. In real life when apiarist need queen he need fake queen cells and some cheap eqiupment (also experience).
I think swarmer is really slow method to get new queens - princess. The only point of my headache is dissapearing princcess mechanics which is really boring. Other forestry mechanics are fine they are realistic in some points. but that new mechanics DONT any idea from real beekeeping.
If you feel that it's such a problem to you, you can send a message to the mod author saying that you don't like the lack of realism. But otherwise, the mod serves its function and as the others say, complaining about realism in video games in general is kind of useless. Also, it's meant to be a bit tedious because you essentially get free materials from bees. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure that in real life bees don't produce priceless gems, radioactive materials and oil out of thin air. They also don't fabricate flowers or of nothing or live in both hell and space.

In general, realism in video games is limited and limiting. Just look at any serious RotaryCraft conversation around here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Option 2: Write your own bee keeping mod that's as accurate as you think it should be while staying true to the most important part of a mod... fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all.
I was disappointed when my bees started dissapearing.
I am beekeeper from Czech Republic and i know bees CANT dissapear withour reason.
Swarming = when bees do swarm in old hive will be NEW princess and OLD queen will move into another location. (It happend when bees can't build more combs or when they cant gather more resources (No more storage) or queen is very old = 2 years and more (Queen producing pheromone when she is old she will produce less and less of it = workers will make queen cells and maggot will be feed by royal jelly)). INFO - Workers are feed by royal jelly only for few first days and drones same (after royal jelly drone are getting more pollen.). IT MEAN BEES NOT DISSAPEAR BY SWARMING (SWARM ONLY TAKE LOTS OF RESOURCES FROM OLD HIVE.)
Disease and parasite = This is real reason of dissapearing bees BUT it also destry whole hive (often wooden hives are still have some spores in them and they must be destroyed. Plastic hives are cleanable...)
But often we as apiarist have cure for some common parasites and diseases (but still several parasites and diseases cant be cured.) In my country we cant use cures which will contaminate honey and damage whole hive.

Please be nice and respect some mistakes in text . IAM not natural englisch speaker(writer).
On some comments i can reply also please some actual situations about beekeeping in America are really different when i will compare (I maybe not be able to reply.).
That was also posted on Official Forestry forum :3.

sounds that you got your hands on ignoble bees in forestry, meaning those princesses have a 10% chance to disappear if i recall right