Some good infos above, thanks !
And a question i'm hoping someone more experienced with Reactorcraft can answer, what's the average duration of uranium fuel pellets in a fission reactor fuel core ? I'm trying to get a feeling of how many pellets i need and what kind of infrastructure is enough to sustain a first reactor indefinitely (probably going with a 3x3 setup), but it's just too slow to sit there and wait in a solo test world...
And by the way Reika, cheers, Rotarycraft and Reactorcraft are awesome and renewed my interest into the game, even if i'm still in an old version and waiting for the Monster pack updates
You're doing a regular uranium fission reactor? Not a breeder or CO2 one?Thanks, looks like i won't have to wait for a huge pile of pellets to start fiddling with that
I'm planning to, yes, currently too busy moving my base to a new place but i'll start processing uranium in a few days The breeder caught my eye as well but it seems more complicated and harder to manage since i have no true experience so far with reactorcraft.
ElectriCraft keeps throwing up obstacles to my using it. I tried to in my early game, but the early batteries are so non-useful that its impossible for me to justify wasting diamonds on them.To be honest if I sum up what I know about reactor craft I would start with this mode much early in the game instead of magnetostatics and Gas Turbines. The easiest but powerful is a pebble-bed reactor that does not require sophisticated infrastructure and rare resources. Next time when I play from scratch I will focus on reactor craft in very begging, especially, I hope, ElectriCraft will be more mature that can rectify challenges with distribution and storage energy.
ElectriCraft keeps throwing up obstacles to my using it.
@ScorpioOld,ElectriCraft is in very early stage of development so all is in front of us. The wonderful feature that you can distribute shaft power in the same way as with Conduits without focusing on generating lubricant. Do not forget Reika demonstrated transfer power with portals, so it will be easier to separate production and consumption of RotaryCraft machines.
Do you mean ic2 neutron deflectors ? Or is it a thing from Electricraft (playing on Monster so i don't have it) ?
Are there other devices from various mods working with the reactors ? I've never tried nuclear stuff before as it didn't look fun enough with ic2/Gregtech so i'm clueless about what sort of systems can interact with Reactorcraft.