I would like to have a temperature display in my fusion reactor's control room. If I can read the temperature from a preheater with a computer, I can send it out via wireless connection to another computer or convert it into an analogue redstone signal to be used by a column decrementer. Since I'm using export buses to put my fusion fuel into the preheater, I have a block left next to the actual preheater block in the multiblock structure where I can place a computer and access the preheater as a peripheral.
However, there is a problem: listMethods only gives me readTank and some other function, I think it was getAdvancedMethodsData, I don't know anything about. I don't know how to interpret this: does that mean a method does not exist that lets me export the preheater's temperature, or does it mean something may be hidden in getAdvancedMethodsData I can't access because I don't know how to use that method?
I've tried to download this program from pastebin in the hope for some more in-game documentation but my game told me it can't connect to pastebin, which I find odd since http is enabled in the config. Next step would be to copy that code into a dummy program's save file but I haven't gotten around to that yet, and anyway I would like to know why my download doesn't work, and perhaps someone here knows if I have any chance of success in the first place.
However, there is a problem: listMethods only gives me readTank and some other function, I think it was getAdvancedMethodsData, I don't know anything about. I don't know how to interpret this: does that mean a method does not exist that lets me export the preheater's temperature, or does it mean something may be hidden in getAdvancedMethodsData I can't access because I don't know how to use that method?
I've tried to download this program from pastebin in the hope for some more in-game documentation but my game told me it can't connect to pastebin, which I find odd since http is enabled in the config. Next step would be to copy that code into a dummy program's save file but I haven't gotten around to that yet, and anyway I would like to know why my download doesn't work, and perhaps someone here knows if I have any chance of success in the first place.