Randomly being poisoned in jungle Age

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I created a jungle based age with mystcraft recently and I found that if i leave the general vicinity of the landing pad i am suddenly poisoned.

Can anyone tell me about this feature/mechanic and if there is a way to defeat it, such as the hazmat suit or something else I can build in game?

Note: I am not being attacked by a mob it's just from walking into the jungle


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2012
i belive instability can manifest as poison so you might have gotten some into the age atleast thats my guess


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You may have missed a symbol or put something in that is causing instability (the Mystcraft wiki used to be good at explaining this... google cache or wiki history for the old one might help you).

Instability manifests both as corruption blocks that slowly spread and as physical 'poison' effects (fatigue, hunger, poison, etc). Sometimes these effects are 'surface', so going into a cave or something might be able to get rid of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, some of the negative effects should disappear once you're below/above ground level. mining fatigue sometimes remains underground, sometimes not.....which is a little weird.
instability is inherent in some of the symbols used to write an age...if you've used dense ores, for example, you're going to get decay and negative effects. I've read about how you write a stable age, but can't seem to find the article anymore. sorry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
stable ages are easy. just remember to fully write the age with at least one or 2 items from each worldgen category to prevent random additions that might conflict with what you chose for your age.
For instance. if you leave out anything about weather, then you might get always sunny and always raining at the same time randomly added. these conflict, and cause a random instability effect to be added as well.
The more normal the world you write is, the less chance there is of it being unstable, altho some items. like dense ores cause instability regardless of how well you chose the rest of the age. there are a couple of other items too that practically forces instability. (because they are tending to conflict with just about anything else you add, or didn't add.
one common mistake is to not choose the apropriate number of biomes so that it matches your other choices.

An easy age to write is void ages where there is no normal terrain gen. if you are after crystal/glowstone for instance, you can write a void age with glowstone/crystals/wooden tendrils, single desert biome, make it eternal day/dusk/night or whatever, and no weather (the symbol, never leave it to random).
Should be 100% stable every time you make one.