Open Random Zombie Spawn



Summary of the problem Random Zombie Spawn

Pack Version 3.0.0

What is the bug? I have a cursed earth spawner, with vectore plates pushing mobs in a mob smasher. The room is fully closed, with lamps on top to turn it off.

What happens now, when it's night time, and the spawner is running, random zombies will spawn in my base, even on my world spawn coords.
Every area is lit up, and I even placed a mega torch.

interessting is, that the zombies try to reach the spawner, and making a hole in the wall, makes them pass throw and die to the mob smasher.

This bug happend on 3.0.1 and 3.0.4

Picture of my setup:

Mod & Version Pack is not changed or tweaked.

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? i think so

Known Fix half slaps?
To be honest, no clue!


I did some more testings.
Mega torches may prevent them from spawning. (Not sure, since i cant see a spawning pattern yet)

It's only zombies.
And they spawn on area, they are totaly lit up. (first i though, F7 was bugged, and was not showing the X right)

A record of this (action starts at 0:52)

edit: and you can see, they always follow the path to the inside of the room. if I close the hole, they try to find a way, and always run to the room!

edit2: spawning zombies with an egg, and they behave normaly


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
doing some weird thinking here, but zombies are able to spawn more zombies as reinforcements right?
maybe that is what's happening here, a zombie gets damaged, summons reinforcements and the reinforcements spawn outside the spawner.


Ohhhh, you so right.
I can confirm your idea with zombie reinforcements.
I did /entitydata and the zombie has the attribute for it. 'zombie.spawnReinforcement'

Some more testing. Replacing the mob smasher with a diamond spike, dont change anything.
it feels a little, the spawn rate is reduced.

Other guess, was the mega torch. so i removed them all. no diffrence.

I try to replicate it in creative now.