Random Crashes

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Random Crashes
Launcher Version:
FTB Infinity
Modpack Version:
Log Link:
Details of the issue:
People on our server randomly get kicked out of FTB, FTB+The console both close. and after restarting FTB there is a change that after logging in it will close again (without even seeing the world, the server says they logged in tho) I found that when this happens, when i TP the player with the problem to somewhere else, on the next startup the problem will be solved. Until they get kicked out again.

We tried to let someone else host the server this does not work.
It always 1 person who is "screwed" who will disconnect alot. and the other wont disconnect for a few ours, then it will change and someone else is screwed.

Thanks in Advance :)
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