Hey guys, I am repurposing an old server. It has an Intel core I7 3770 ivy bridge CPU, 16gb ram and 2tb WD caviar black w 64MB cache(sata 6Gb/s) I have a 20Mb down and 20Mb up connection here. But generally averages about 80/10
I am planning on using a ramdisk, is 10Gb a decent size? And will this script work for me?
I plan on also copying from world to worldbackup every 5 min as a safe measure.
How big do world files end up getting?
Also how many users can I expect to support?
Any great admin tools I should know about?
What else should I look out for?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I am planning on using a ramdisk, is 10Gb a decent size? And will this script work for me?
#script to create ramdisk
mv -r /home/gameserver/ftb/world /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup
mount -t tmpfs -o size=10G tmpfs /home/gameserver/ftb/world
cp -r /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup/* /home/gameserver/ftb/world/
#cron */5 * * * * /home/gameserver/ftb/backup.sh
TIME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M")
tar -czf /home/gameserver/ftb/tarbackup/world-$TIME.tar.gz /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup
cp -r /home/gameserver/ftb/world/* /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup/
#script to unmount
cp -r /home/gameserver/ftb/world/* /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup/
umount -v /home/gameserver/ftb/world
mv /home/gameserver/ftb/worldbackup /home/gameserver/ftb/world
I plan on also copying from world to worldbackup every 5 min as a safe measure.
How big do world files end up getting?
Also how many users can I expect to support?
Any great admin tools I should know about?
What else should I look out for?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta