Quick question for MCPC+ users...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...how do I get a server GUI? Seems MCPC+ ships without one, and my Google-Fu is weak (I only get year-old results or worse that have nothing to do with what I want to know).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A gui?
Just run the server and you get a server console. Same as on the vanilla server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope, I don't. Else I wouldn't be asking ;)

I get a CMD console window if I call it from a .bat file; if I just doubleclick it it doesn't give me that either. But in both cases, the white server GUI with the TPS counts and the network usage monitor is nonexistant. This is build 180, the latest (just downloaded today).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah but that's normal? I've never had a guid with a tps button. Sure that gui wasn't something extra?
You can try something like this, link.

Just want to note out though that it is NORMAL that you don't have a gui.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, its extremely odd to use the vanilla GUI. Most people run with the nogui flag in the JVM arguments anyways because it can help performance and it some cases its even crippled a server.

Most hosts don't let you VNC/RDP into the server anyways, so most people are also accustomed to using a server manager like Multicraft or just doing via SSH and FTP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm running the server on my own computer, and the vanilla GUI has been extremely helpful for me in performance monitoring. I can see at a glance if a player is experiencing lag because of TPS issues or because my upstream connection is bogged down (happens when somebody changes dimensions or respawns, for example). TPS monitoring itself is much easier as well, since there's an integrated meter that updates itself and tells me a whole lot about my server just by watching it for half a minute. Furthermore I can see if someone (and who) is online while I am not.

Now without a GUI I have to type /forge tps, and then repeat that command 20-40 times to get a real idea of how the current tickrate behaves (if it is stable, rising, falling or jumping all over the place). This ruins my chat backlog and spams the server logs with several hundred useless lines. For network monitoring I have to use the hugely imprecise Windows task manager. And to check if someone is online I either have to boot up my client and log in, or scroll through a console window looking for specific log messages (if it didn't spam them out of the limited console buffer because I was checking TPS). Overall it's just an all-around nuisance to be without the GUI. If there was a -nogui flag to turn it off, why bother removing it anyway? That's just beyond logic.

The only thing that makes it bearable is the fact that MCPC+ removed the performance issues I had (which was the reason I tried it in the first place). So while I lost my monitoring tools, at least I don't need them quite as much as I used to anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...how do I get a server GUI? Seems MCPC+ ships without one, and my Google-Fu is weak (I only get year-old results or worse that have nothing to do with what I want to know).


and yes, MCPC+ Mean tick time: 0.323 ms. without players and 3.472 ms. with one player in empty world while Vanilla give constantly 8+ ms on my private mod pack https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yeq8vQDTZgysnb4LQ-1XqkZH8arhoN0HImnLFhJ0P68/pub ! this is totally unnaceptable...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I went from 25ms with nobody logged in, to 6ms with three players in completely separate ares and server view distance 15. :D

It's the chunk garbage collector that Spigot adds that does this - I had that huge idle tick time simply because over weeks of playing, thousands upon thousands of chunks were improperly unloaded and I ended up with entities (creatures) in those chunks taking up all my CPU power.