a bit late maybe but i've been looking into the similar thing with the unleashed pack, i've found that the mffs projector from calclavia will plant these. in my test i planted one with a cube module and one of those add-ons which substantiate the field by way of using supplies from an adjacent chest, also i have another projector (for i believe this is what it is) placed that will collect the slime blocks (trunk) and continue a bit through the leaves to be sure that the leaves vanish over time...
now, initially it was my idea to do this with a custom module that will place the sapling in various places, having BUD blocks next to them so that once they're all grown the BUDs activates the other projector via some nifty PRC mechanics...
i've been unsuccessful so far as my prc skills are almost entirely non-existent... also unable to get the custom module to do what i want but that's just as likely me being a bit dim somewhere. anyone able to tell my how to set this up would be a wonderful one, thinking it involves a sequencer page or similar:/?