Question about EU storage and transportation

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If a generator produces an energy packet, and it has several possible storages to send it to, will it randomly go to one, divide between the two, or will it always go to either for a specific reason? Can there be priorities among storage units (say, if I wanted to make sure one storage unit is always topped off, before energy is sent to any others, could I?).

I'm trying to make an energy generation system. The one I had in mind requires small amounts of EU to run itself - so I want to set it up so that the system fills up an MFE (or MFSU if I decide to expand it) first, then sends any excess energy into my main powergrid.

Anyone got any good info on how packets are sent/requested in systems and/or any solutions to this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
easy way is to have the overflow storage fill the one you want to stay topped off, so the overflow will empty out into the main storage


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm unsure of what you mean with "overflow storage". How can I separate which storage is overflow and which one is not?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If a generator produces an energy packet, and it has several possible storages to send it to, will it randomly go to one, divide between the two, or will it always go to either for a specific reason?
Parallel storage blocks will be filled evenly -- I don't know if it alternates or splits the energy, but effectively it fills them simultaneously.

Can there be priorities among storage units (say, if I wanted to make sure one storage unit is always topped off, before energy is sent to any others, could I?).
Yes, you can set MFEs to only output if full using redstone signals -- check in their interface.

I'm trying to make an energy generation system. The one I had in mind requires small amounts of EU to run itself - so I want to set it up so that the system fills up an MFE (or MFSU if I decide to expand it) first, then sends any excess energy into my main powergrid.
Pretty typical energy buffering setup, good luck!

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the IC2 energy system works a bit in another way:

the energy consumer (or storage) requests energy and then the energy generator sends energy to the requester.

for example, if you have 3 MFSUs and a geothermal generator, the MFSUs request energy till they all are full. when the geothermal generator doesn't receive any new requests, it stops working.

not all energy generators are that intelligent. a standard generator just dumps the energy that noone requests. same thing with nuclear reactors. all the GT generators act in a more intelligent way, as they stop working when noone needs the energy.