Quarry Needs Flavor, Show Me Your Ideas.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just tested it, and the current quarry will do infinite cobblegen if set up right, but it only goes back to clear up the new cobble when it gets to the same x,z coord on the current mining layer, so it will mine the whole lot out even with cobble gen. Not sure what it does when it reaches bed rock though. Infinite water is however an issue, but the removal of lava should prevent cobble gen as lava is not infinite.

It may be that the quarry will always have to ignore water, or make it ignore it when the block under it isnt water. Infinite pools can olny be 1 deep, so dig out the next layer, let the water flow, then go back for it once the infinite mechanic is broken by flowing water blocks under it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like the replies a lot of good responses.

I think it is good to note that just becuse a machine doesnt work a certain way now, or has the ability to, it cant be coded in if an author likes the idea. So dont let that stop an idea. Balance issues can also always be worked out from an idea, so try not to yell OP and instead think about how that can be balanced through tradeoffs.

Possibly a better upgrade system would be how overclockers are done. It seems the easiest method and best in terms of providing a user a way to have a base machine, and not 10 differant machines, but instead, 10 different upgrades, where you have an upgrade that can unlock a number of slots for functional upgrades that alter how the machine works. From there new ideas can flood in and be applied to the mats needed, and tradeoff like what upgrades are not compatable or stack-able with others. Or how many stacks a certain upgrade can have. If done right then the mat cost alone can be a majot part of the balance. In that 1 speed upgrade to go from say 4blockspersecond to 4.5 would require quite a bit more than a bunch of iron. One has to take into account that if one has a quarry in the first place, low requirements is going to be too easy, and most certainly efficiency should always be a tradeoff for speed or luxury. Even the highest most powerful set of upgrades should still be a choice over another powerful build that is best used for a certain application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry to try and revived an old post but I would just love to have a quarry that can also suck-up liquid like a pump. I would try to code it myself but java is not my 1st language, i would need to get my hand on buildcraft sourcode and I feel to lazy to register myself and ask them permission to do this.

also "Quarry plus" has already silk,fortune and efficiency. but destroy liquids...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry to try and revived an old post but I would just love to have a quarry that can also suck-up liquid like a pump. I would try to code it myself but java is not my 1st language
Whoa what an odd statement, I just hope you're not coding professionally.
i would need to get my hand on buildcraft sourcode and I feel to lazy to register myself and ask them permission to do this.
Don't need to, just get the source from Git. The whole thing is OpenSource.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
4 armed quarry: 4 quarry arms 4x power consumption
bigger quarry drill: mines 2x2x2 each time 8x power consumption
lazor quarry: mines 10x faster 10x power
???: quarry mines one block to bedrock before doing next


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Quarry concept has a lot of missed potential in BC. The idea of a movable arm that does something could be applied to a treefarm "quarry" (aka only mines leaves/wood and plants saplings), and a farmer "quarry" that hoes, plants seeds and collects mature crops.
Alas these ideas could have been done years ago, but other mods now fill these roles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People have been asking for quarries to be upgraded/enchantable/configurable ect for years now, I have doubts we'll ever see it happen. What I'm more surprised by is that there's mods that provide a alternative to pretty much every single function of BC in a different way except no mod will touch the Refinery or the Quarry, they both sit completely unchanged. You can get custom pipes, engines, fuels, ect but changing the 2 workhorse blocks of BC? Nadda.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whoa what an odd statement, I just hope you're not coding professionally.

If you consider that i worked 5 years for 2 companies, one that made CMS and used CMF for web application and the other used VB .net to create its next generation of software for insurance broker being a "professional coder" then yes I am. What I meant by it is i never done java so i got no tools installed and I need to get my basics, doing all that is allot longer then someone already doing java on a regular basis.

Don't need to, just get the source from Git. The whole thing is OpenSource.

That was my bad, when I read "you need permission from Sengir or Krapht" i actually thought for a min that i needed they're permission to download the source code and take a look inside.

And on that I think I have to take the step and make it myself for me. then if it good share it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you consider that i worked 5 years for 2 companies, one that made CMS and used CMF for web application and the other used VB .net to create its next generation of software for insurance broker being a "professional coder" then yes I am. What I meant by it is i never done java so i got no tools installed and I need to get my basics, doing all that is allot longer then someone already doing java on a regular basis.
Eh, it's just that the statement shows ... rigidness, which I find odd for someone who codes for a living. After all, languages evolve quickly and learning new ones is what the trade entails :).

That was my bad, when I read "you need permission from Sengir or Krapht" i actually thought for a min that i needed they're permission to download the source code and take a look inside.

And on that I think I have to take the step and make it myself for me. then if it good share it.
Hm, where did you read that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh, it's just that the statement shows ... rigidness, which I find odd for someone who codes for a living. After all, languages evolve quickly and learning new ones is what the trade entails :).

yes but you cant expect to learn and master a new language in 1 or 2 hours. a language evolve from its current form and normally from a version to another you don't need to relearn everything. Some command become deprecated and are replace with better command but you never expect a language to radically change. I don't know java and I don't plan on needing it so I don't have a clue as how different or similar it is to the other languages I know. it may be that in 30min IL grasp most of its working or it could be so different that I need to start from scratch. I just don't know. plus i have been away from coding for 2 years (not even at home) so I feel rusted and I'm just beginning to get myself up to speed.

Hm, where did you read that.

from the github of buildcraft:
If you wish to submit a pull request to fix bugs or broken behaviour feel free to do so. If you would like to add features or change existing behaviour or balance, please discuss it with Sengir or Krapht before submiting the pull request.

From what I have in head I want to change the behavior of the quarry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes but you cant expect to learn and master a new language in 1 or 2 hours. a language evolve from its current form and normally from a version to another you don't need to relearn everything. Some command become deprecated and are replace with better command but you never expect a language to radically change. I don't know java and I don't plan on needing it so I don't have a clue as how different or similar it is to the other languages I know. it may be that in 30min IL grasp most of its working or it could be so different that I need to start from scratch. I just don't know. plus i have been away from coding for 2 years (not even at home) so I feel rusted and I'm just beginning to get myself up to speed.
Eh, now you're just being defensive, it was a silly remark, about a silly remark, I'm not inferring you're a bad coder, chill.
from the github of buildcraft:
If you wish to submit a pull request to fix bugs or broken behaviour feel free to do so. If you would like to add features or change existing behaviour or balance, please discuss it with Sengir or Krapht before submiting the pull request.

From what I have in head I want to change the behavior of the quarry.
Ah, that.

You'd be better off makin' a mod built on the BC api, Inheriting from quarry and adding your own changes shouldn't be too hard at all. Any and all changes to the actual BC quarry you'd make would be promptly rejected. That's why that text's there. So that you don't even try do so in public.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even though this thread is old.
I would like to see the standard quarry as it is now the only change being that without being in the area it will "Jam up" and not work kind of like a mob spawner.
For a Quarry that you can log out and do what ever you want without being right by it you can have a version with the mat cost up there with the galgadorian tools from steve's carts 2.

Just my take on things not really to balance things because that's just a stupid concept to try and achieve with a game like FTB, but to make the quarry have bad traits that will discourage people from using it right off the bat instead of going mining for the mats themselves.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh, now you're just being defensive, it was a silly remark, about a silly remark, I'm not inferring you're a bad coder, chill.

sorry, im having personal issues and I got a lot of thing to straight up, i tend to be aggressive too easily, and I should not let myself ... i dont know the correct words ( yeah im french).. well i should just stay cool and work on my issues.

Ah, that.

You'd be better off makin' a mod built on the BC api, Inheriting from quarry and adding your own changes shouldn't be too hard at all. Any and all changes to the actual BC quarry you'd make would be promptly rejected. That's why that text's there. So that you don't even try do so in public.

BC api, i didnt even think about that. I was thinking of copying the code in a new mod then tweak it. guess il try and take a look at this.

To be honest I'd like a simple option- upgraded quarry that allows water to be pumped into the machine, then it'll freeze-mine any lava it finds. -no lag from flowing blocks everywhere.

the main reason why I wish quarry could be couple with a pump to suck up liquid.
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