Quarry List

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have a list of all the items that one can find underground from a Quarry? Everything from Aluminum to Zichronium, including things like chests, rails, and torches. Even cave bees! If I took a quarry, and mined everything encompassing a few dungeons, a stronghold, and a mineshaft (including an Iridium ore), what would be all the items/ores that I would get? If one really wants to be through, one could add stone bricks, cracked stone brick, iron doors, and other things from strongholds. And a list of every mineable item from the Nether and the End.

If someone has this list already compiled (for automatic storages purposes, likely), if I could ask you to post said list onto this thread, anyone trying to start a storage system of their own would be saved the trouble of trying to find everything needed.

Thank you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
May I ask why? Because the list would be pretty huge. Mostly because the quarry could pick up the items from inside the loot chest, which is quite a few.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just have a chest for unsorted items, and add them as they come through. The full list would have maybe over a hundred items.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
May I ask why? Because the list would be pretty huge. Mostly because the quarry could pick up the items from inside the loot chest, which is quite a few.

Why? I wanted to use this for a sorting machine, and I think it would be cool if someone compiled a list of all the quarried items. And, the loot chests would be hard to get, those should be ignored because those triple--quadruple the items one could get from a quarry.

Just have a chest for unsorted items, and add them as they come through. The full list would have maybe over a hundred items.

I didn't want to have to add more rooms or more sorting machines, but I guess I will have to do so.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Would be near impossible due to chest loot. My quarry is munching it's way through a mine system I found. I already found 3 chests in it manually, and the quarry has located a further 4. (nice loot filled place), in the chests I've had a steel block, a thaum hoe, various steel tools, creo-oil, coal coke. Some things will be such low chance drops, that it would be a waste to sort those items specifically.

Best thing to do is at the end of your system put an unsorted/overflow diamond chest, and keep an eye on it. If you get a lot of the same item appearing in it, add that to your sorting system.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another option is to sort common items (ores) into chests and then have a set of 40 to 50 blank barrels attached to red power tubes for unsorted chest loot. This will put a new item into the nearest blank barrel and continue on until it gets new barrels. At the end of this barrel system you'd also need another chest to catch overflow in the case of filling over 64 stacks in a barrel. if you notice 64 stacks happening you can either add an upgrade to your barrel or add the item into the sorting system proper.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i've found that at sea level, a quarry requires 2 golden chests and a void pipe to handle all incoming material. Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Gravel and Flint go into the void and everything else goes into one of the two chests. I bumped this up to 3 golden chests when dealing with a quarry at y=130 in an extreme hills jungle biome to process wood, apatite and coal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did try to make a list once, and I did end up with about two stacks of barrels. I didn't include the loot because I know that's nearly impossible. Why include a seperate sorting system for that 1% chance you're mining on a mineshaft and that 1% chance you'll find a Thaumium Hoe in one of those chests? I think I'll eventually create a quarry list, not because of the sorting system, because it would be pretty cool to see how much we've all learned, because I know what everything I've ever found underground does, and lots of people do to.

On the other hand, I could see what I don't know, and end up learning about a new piece of a mod I didn't even realize before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One off items from chests pretty much have to go into an 'unsorted' pile. They aren't worth the resources to dedicate more to them because you'll get one here one there. Not counting those, only things that I get 5 or more of on average I ended up with a list of 193 items and probably still have more out there. Bee's tend to be the real pain. Lots of them typically in a max size quarry and most of them are worthless it seems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bees are easy if you have an apiarist's chest or that extra bees machine that can store unlimited bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With bees, you can just steal their DNA, makes every bee matter.

If people can't get lists, how about I ask the question what items do you store in your chests through your sorting system?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bees are easy if you have an apiarist's chest or that extra bees machine that can store unlimited bees.
I'd been using apiarist chests but they kept filling up. didn't realize there was a machine to store unlimited number of them. Have to look through the lists again. I don't do much with bees right now so mostly just storing them away for when I bother.

With bees, you can just steal their DNA, makes every bee matter.

If people can't get lists, how about I ask the question what items do you store in your chests through your sorting system?

I actually use barrels the most. The only chest is for quartz crystal (due to the weird id number bug/issue) and 'unsorted' stuff. I have two storage vaults. One is raw materials, what the quarries send in. The other is finished goods from the factory. The raw materials have barrels for every ore, gem and other item that gets mined. Not sure what you're asking beyond that really.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I meant what do people put in their sorting systems, like what items do you actually sort, and what items do you just put in chests. Like, you may put a barrel for redstone, but have a chest for fences that you find in mineshafts.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Anything that overflows into 2 stacks in my overflow chest I give a barrel. Once that barrel fills, that overflow then get's recycled (for common renewable stuff only) - haven't given a thought yet what to do when ingots overflow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anything that overflows into 2 stacks in my overflow chest I give a barrel. Once that barrel fills, that overflow then get's recycled (for common renewable stuff only) - haven't given a thought yet what to do when ingots overflow.
extra dim barrel

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another option is to sort common items (ores) into chests and then have a set of 40 to 50 blank barrels attached to red power tubes for unsorted chest loot. This will put a new item into the nearest blank barrel and continue on until it gets new barrels. At the end of this barrel system you'd also need another chest to catch overflow in the case of filling over 64 stacks in a barrel. if you notice 64 stacks happening you can either add an upgrade to your barrel or add the item into the sorting system proper.

I'd say you're doing it backwards..

I run my items into a barrel sorting system and have a pair of diamond chests (off of restriction tubes) at the end of the line for infrequent/rare items or things I don't want barrels of.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmm... for me, I don't want a barrel for each individual ore and ingot - so I put all metals into one, all types of wooden stuff in another, seeds and plant matter in yet another, one for tools, one for xychorium etc etc. Then anything that I don't want in a group goes into a barrel - or something that is so common that a group containg it would be over 50% that one item (coal, apatite, etc). So After all the groups are set out I just chuck the rest into a line of barrels, and at the end, anything I seriously don't know what to do with is put into a final chest.

thing to note is that this sorting system is just for an ender pouch I carry with me - it's not just for quarries.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking about having an enderpouch like that. It's infinite inventory, so convenient when you want to go somewhere and stay organized, but at the same time are in a hurry and just want to put everything away without having to come back with a full inv and another full chest.