Whitelist Server Quantum Generation Whitelist |Mindcrack v8.2|Strong Community Server|

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What is your in game name?: Igreuterz (I hate that name :) )
How long have you played FTB?: 4-5 months
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 17 Years old
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are: I often hear I am very socially skilled, I am a male, 17 years old and Dutch.

Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? You should let me join because I think I am a great addition to your community; I like my trolling, but not to much :)
I want to join because I think multiplayer is a great addition to feed the beast and you are a whitelisted server with certain rules that make the server fun but clean, I want to play with nice and polite people, and this server seems to be an excelent choice for me.
Sorry but you are Denied. Thank you for applying though :)!
What is your in game name?: Replica616

How long have you played FTB?: I have dabbled in it since it began but been playing it a lot for a few months on and off.

How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): Fifteen years of age.
EXTENDED response

Create a BIO on who you are: As the context makes rather obvious, I greatly enjoy playing video games and at the risk of sounding narcissistic, am very creative. Although for reasons that need not be said here I'm not very good with other people face-to-face, I always attempt to be polite and social, and find this much easier online, especially through the medium of multiplayer games. I try to be kind and consider other's needs, and if a disagreement occurs without someone of authority around I try to mediate on principle. I have a variety of other interests, so common pop culture references are to be expected.

Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?: As I said in my previous section, I like video games and am fairly creative, and Minecraft is perfect for that, allowing great creative potential for building and various mechanisms using redstone. Modded Minecraft expands this exponentially, allowing for many more things to do, as does playing multiplayer. As pretty much an answer to both sides of the question, both sides of the question, there's a lot more that can be done creatively in Minecraft and I collaborate well with others, especially in this sort of medium. As you can probably tell from what I've put previously, I really like multiplayer modded Minecraft and as such when the last server I was on shut down I started looking for a new one. I'm kind of picky, but alike somebody else above, those two words describing this server stuck out to me- "Strong Community." That is, quite inherently, exactly what I'm looking for.
Thanks for the application you are Accepted!
Basic info
What is your in game name?: mrdouble__
How long have you played FTB?: since it was a map :p
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 13
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are: I love playing FTB and most like bees and rp2/fz.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? I love community servers and feel like i could help a lot of people

Sorry but you are Denied. Thank you for applying though :)!
What is your in game name?: OptionOfChoice

How long have you played FTB?: I have played FTB ever since Beta Pack A was released. Actually, 4 hours after it was released.

How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 19

EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:
I am currently at uni, but I live in Ontario and I study in Michigan. Finals are over, so I will be active, but to an extent. I'm very experienced at ftb, and my favorite mods are GregT, Thermal Expansion, and TC.

Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
You are special, admin. Most servers will accept anyone, while others just make an age limit to make sure only chill people apply. Nice to know that some people actually read applications. I'm very laid back, enjoying ftb for what it is. I really like the emphasis on community, rather than things inside the game, such as how proficient you are at a mod. Makes everyone think about what multiplayer minecraft was originally intended to do. That is, have fun.
Thanks for the application you are Accepted! Good application by the way. It is very creative and I see you put thought into it :)!
IGN: TheChewyness
How long?: 3 or 4 months.
Age: 15


Wether I'm playing video games or doing whatever else it is I do, I just like to have fun and make the most of it. I'd consider myself to be fun and friendly as I get along with pretty much everybody and I'm always trying to have as much fun as possible. I'm an IB student and a tennis player, so homework and stuff could get in the way, although I'd still be very active on the server and in the community, at least an hour a day. I play a lot of video games, but I don't find interest in certain genre. I enjoy Minecraft the most because of the variety of things to do in it, and I feel that FTB really adds to it. I've been playing Minecraft for over two years now (since alpha) but now FTB has dragged me away from it. I now just need a nice server with some cool people on it so my turtles and I don't feel lonely in SSP.

Why do you want to join?:

Like everyone else on this thread, I'm looking for a nice, small server to join and waste all my free time on. I haven't really played much multiplayer, FTB or otherwise, but singleplayer has been getting somewhat boring for me. I've been searching for a friendly community like this for quite some time and I'm eager to meet some fellow FTBers and just have some fun. I've messed with a lot of the mods but haven't dove into any of them yet, with the exception of ComputerCraft. If anyone needs assistance with anything I'd be happy to help. I'm looking forward to becoming part of an active FTB community and this one seems perfect. I'm glad there's someone out there who actually reads these and puts some thought into choosing server members. Anyways, I don't want to make you spend your entire sunday reading applications, and I've got stuff to do so thanks and have a nice day!
Thanks for the application you are Accepted! And you are welcome ;). Thanks for getting straight to the point haha.

What is your in game name?: thelittleman10
How long have you played FTB?: A few months
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 15
Create a BIO on who you are: I am looking for a relaxed fun server, without the worries or hassle of getting griefed or raided. Also this server seems to have a great community and lots of fun with all the pranks ;)
Why do you want to join?: Because I'm looking for a small, fun server with a good community where everyone gets along and has lots of fun. Thanks you for reading :)
What is your in game name?: Steensels
How long have you played FTB?: i only have been on 1 server witch got shut down because of the no-donation players, i think it was a shame but ok, i learned allot and looking for a new server
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): I just turned 20, tomorrow a month ago.

Create a BIO on who you are: My first name is Glenn, you can call me Glenn or Steensels, i don't mind, I'm spending quite some time with games, these range from sandbox games to rpg online and offline. Like i said, i just turned 20. Iem doing my second year of college, witch is an upside in the time during the year, and a downside during exams, witch is pretty much filled up looking at the time. I like to learn new stuff, it's really boring to do the same things you know over and over again, so i secretly hope there won't be to much resets of the map. I don't really know what else to tell, but if you would like to ask a question, go ahead I'm always open to them. Lastly, my English is not my main language, I'm from Belgium, we speak dutch, but i'll always talk English because of the world language stuff.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
I want to join because the description said: we want you to be able to let people in your house. I like that, what's fun about an online game where you can't work with other people (or against in pvp servers) plus, this is also handy if you want to learn something new, you can go to someone to see how they build something, you can let someone come to you to see how you build something etc, that's what it's all about for me. And why you should let me join, well technically you don't have to do anything but I'm normally always friendly, although i don't forget easily :p making it so that I will not want people in my home who have destroyed something valuable. And last but not least, I have not yet been banned, there was a misunderstanding but it got resolved, and I had nothing to do with it, so I kept playing on that server after it got resolved.
Hope to see you in game sometime
What is your in game name?: CrimsonBishop
How long have you played FTB?: 2-4 months with a 3 month hiatus due to college.
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): I'm 16 years of age.
Create a BIO on who you are: Hey, my names Leon i'm a student currently at college - learning Games Development. I like food, books, movies, music, anime, art, pie, CATBUG!!!! and lotsa other stuffs :3 I love anime a lot - like helluva lot with some of my favorites being SAO, Code:Geass, Steins Gate, Guilty Crown and many others its something i enjoy watching and i've never been to a cosplay convention but i want too!!! :< Um... what else =3 Oh yeah food, i like instant noodles haha =D student life... so degrading... but yeah... those instant pack things damn tastey =3 I also like sushi, pizza and dumplings. Music wise i tend to listen to what fits the mood but i like JPop and KPop, chillstep, jazz and bit of rock now and then =] Music has saved me many a time and i'm thankful i have ears and can hear :3. I also have a habbit of doing the ball-sack face... :3 :3 i cant seem to get out of it sorry... ;P But thats all fer now i guess. Hope you let me join i've been wanting to join a FTB server with strangers for a while now heuheuheu >:3
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?: I think i'd be a good addition to the crew, i enjoy playing with others and i'm fairly chilled about things, i'd be able to help if a situation were to arise and i'd be able to help others with tasks etc and i'm not a complete poopy head :3. Also i like what FTB offers, i didn't used to be a fan of mods but ever since FTB i've been very hooked into what has been done and created. Some of my favourite mods being Thaumcraft and Portal. I like building and hoarding items it makes me feel rich... haha. I also like doing community based things such as events or just talking about things as well as community builds and such it like it all =]
I also have a david and goliath headset that says "come to the dark side we have cookies"... =D
What is your in game name?: thelittleman10
How long have you played FTB?: A few months
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 15
Create a BIO on who you are: I am looking for a relaxed fun server, without the worries or hassle of getting griefed or raided. Also this server seems to have a great community and lots of fun with all the pranks ;)
Why do you want to join?: Because I'm looking for a small, fun server with a good community where everyone gets along and has lots of fun. Thanks you for reading :)
Denied, Thanks for applying though.
What is your in game name?: Steensels
How long have you played FTB?: i only have been on 1 server witch got shut down because of the no-donation players, i think it was a shame but ok, i learned allot and looking for a new server
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): I just turned 20, tomorrow a month ago.

Create a BIO on who you are: My first name is Glenn, you can call me Glenn or Steensels, i don't mind, I'm spending quite some time with games, these range from sandbox games to rpg online and offline. Like i said, i just turned 20. Iem doing my second year of college, witch is an upside in the time during the year, and a downside during exams, witch is pretty much filled up looking at the time. I like to learn new stuff, it's really boring to do the same things you know over and over again, so i secretly hope there won't be to much resets of the map. I don't really know what else to tell, but if you would like to ask a question, go ahead I'm always open to them. Lastly, my English is not my main language, I'm from Belgium, we speak dutch, but i'll always talk English because of the world language stuff.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
I want to join because the description said: we want you to be able to let people in your house. I like that, what's fun about an online game where you can't work with other people (or against in pvp servers) plus, this is also handy if you want to learn something new, you can go to someone to see how they build something, you can let someone come to you to see how you build something etc, that's what it's all about for me. And why you should let me join, well technically you don't have to do anything but I'm normally always friendly, although i don't forget easily :p making it so that I will not want people in my home who have destroyed something valuable. And last but not least, I have not yet been banned, there was a misunderstanding but it got resolved, and I had nothing to do with it, so I kept playing on that server after it got resolved.
Hope to see you in game sometime
Accepted, awesome application man and thats awesome that you speak English and Dutch :)!
What is your in game name?: CrimsonBishop
How long have you played FTB?: 2-4 months with a 3 month hiatus due to college.
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): I'm 16 years of age.
Create a BIO on who you are: Hey, my names Leon i'm a student currently at college - learning Games Development. I like food, books, movies, music, anime, art, pie, CATBUG!!!! and lotsa other stuffs :3 I love anime a lot - like helluva lot with some of my favorites being SAO, Code:Geass, Steins Gate, Guilty Crown and many others its something i enjoy watching and i've never been to a cosplay convention but i want too!!! :< Um... what else =3 Oh yeah food, i like instant noodles haha =D student life... so degrading... but yeah... those instant pack things damn tastey =3 I also like sushi, pizza and dumplings. Music wise i tend to listen to what fits the mood but i like JPop and KPop, chillstep, jazz and bit of rock now and then =] Music has saved me many a time and i'm thankful i have ears and can hear :3. I also have a habbit of doing the ball-sack face... :3 :3 i cant seem to get out of it sorry... ;P But thats all fer now i guess. Hope you let me join i've been wanting to join a FTB server with strangers for a while now heuheuheu >:3
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?: I think i'd be a good addition to the crew, i enjoy playing with others and i'm fairly chilled about things, i'd be able to help if a situation were to arise and i'd be able to help others with tasks etc and i'm not a complete poopy head :3. Also i like what FTB offers, i didn't used to be a fan of mods but ever since FTB i've been very hooked into what has been done and created. Some of my favourite mods being Thaumcraft and Portal. I like building and hoarding items it makes me feel rich... haha. I also like doing community based things such as events or just talking about things as well as community builds and such it like it all =]
I also have a david and goliath headset that says "come to the dark side we have cookies"... =D
Accepted, awesome app and you are very young for going to college :p.
IGN: Evoolve
How Long: About a Year
Bio: Well where should I start? Playing Ftb for awhile now iv'e been becoming bored of me in lonely minecraft world. So I want to join your server, i'm a laid back guy looking for people that can have a sense of humor and that could be nice. As you said pranking is aloud I have to say that i like to be pranked. In my opinion I enjoy a creative prank that would give me a good laugh and to spend time to clean it up. Besides minecraft I like to play baseball now and then and also I like to play other games like Black ops and Skyrim. On another note i live in New jersey my name is Ty (not short for Tyler) and i am a pretty big gamer. If you do accept this i will be inactive for a bit since I have testing coming up soon for me, so i will be studying a lot.
Why do you want to join: Watching other people on YouTube made me want to join a server. Seeing them play together and have a good laugh made the game look ten times funner. Even though FTB makes minecraft a lot funner having people to play with gives a extra kick to the game. So I want to join because I want to get a feeling of playing with other FTBers instead of being alone in my own little world. Also having people to help me with something or to maybe help me on a prank :) will be a fun experience that i never had before. Also I am very respectful person knowing that never to be disrespectful to admins and to never steal or grief anyones property. Well i have to go and i hope to see you on the server. Have a nice Day.
P.S. if you dont accept my application to the server i understand and wont be mad.
Basic info
What is your in game name?:

How long have you played FTB?:
Approximatly 7 or 8 months with reasonable knowledge of how the game works for the most part.

How old are you?
At the time of this post, 20, but very soon 21
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:
I'm currently a tradesman cabinetmaker who was raised and still lives on the east coast of North Queensland in Australia (due to my location and the location of where your servers are I may not be able to play due to lag, we've encountered that issue randomly a few times with other people unfortunatly). Being raised as such most of my loves are 4 wheel driving, camping, fishing, boating, tubing and generally chilling out in the outdoors with a good group of mates.
Then there's my gaming history. It all started with the Super Nintendo that my parents bought for me and my brother for Christmas and ever since then I've been hooked on mainly console gaming but my interests extend to other ventures if a good game is involved. A good community or team to play with and chat to is always a bonus when it comes to multiplayer gaming as well and as such I'm Skype capable and will even look into things like Teamspeak and other methods of communication if need be.
Until recently I was a part of a Mindcrack FTB server but the map was erased due to a corruption issue that was not finally determined, and the new map was supposed to be more community based but the new members that joined in after the reset just went their own way and ignored the overall plan so that map died out as well. I'd really like to get back into FTB but finding a player base that is actually community based similar to the actual Mindcrack team is becoming a difficult task.

Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
I've no real reason as to why you should let me join, but if I were to become a part of your player base it'll naturally be a case of mi casa es su casa with anyone welcome to come in and use power supplies, machines, gear, and even resources providing it's asked for first or only out on a borrowed term. My plan would be to form up a sort of multi-story, space saving factory for all the server to use that I've tried building a few times but have so far been unsuccessful due to the aforementioned map issues.
As to why I'd like to join, as I said above I'd like to find a good community to play alongside where there's actualy friendly communication between players. Over text I can promise to keep my cursive language to a minimum but if I'm in voice chat with someone I can't promise much, it's like a second language to me as I'm on a construction site most of the time but I will try my best when I need to.

I thank you for reading this and would really appreciate it if you consider me to join your player base. I can't promise to be a constantly active member of the community due to real world commitments but I can promise to follow all of your guidelines to the best of my abilities whenever I am online.

Happy gaming:
The Chief
Basic info
Since it's public release.
EXTENDED response
I'm just looking for a community based server to join. A lot of servers are a bunch of people doing their own things, which i feel is rather boring for a multiplayer setup.
What is your in game name?:drew316
How long have you played FTB?:Since it came out.I played tekkit for about a year before FTB came out if that means anything.
How old are you?I am 13 years old.
Create a BIO on who you are:I don't want to put that online sorry.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?I want to play on a fun and friendly community.There aren't allot of servers where everybody is in a town and I have been looking for that for a while.Ypu also have the server whitelisted so there arent any greifers and i would love to add my skill of bee keeping and thaumcraft to the server.I hope you accept me im really looking forward to joining.
IGN: Evoolve
How Long: About a Year
Bio: Well where should I start? Playing Ftb for awhile now iv'e been becoming bored of me in lonely minecraft world. So I want to join your server, i'm a laid back guy looking for people that can have a sense of humor and that could be nice. As you said pranking is aloud I have to say that i like to be pranked. In my opinion I enjoy a creative prank that would give me a good laugh and to spend time to clean it up. Besides minecraft I like to play baseball now and then and also I like to play other games like Black ops and Skyrim. On another note i live in New jersey my name is Ty (not short for Tyler) and i am a pretty big gamer. If you do accept this i will be inactive for a bit since I have testing coming up soon for me, so i will be studying a lot.
Why do you want to join: Watching other people on YouTube made me want to join a server. Seeing them play together and have a good laugh made the game look ten times funner. Even though FTB makes minecraft a lot funner having people to play with gives a extra kick to the game. So I want to join because I want to get a feeling of playing with other FTBers instead of being alone in my own little world. Also having people to help me with something or to maybe help me on a prank :) will be a fun experience that i never had before. Also I am very respectful person knowing that never to be disrespectful to admins and to never steal or grief anyones property. Well i have to go and i hope to see you on the server. Have a nice Day.
P.S. if you dont accept my application to the server i understand and wont be mad.
Sorry but you are denied. It was an acceptable application but due to the amount of players I have to deny it as it is not over the top good. Thanks a ton for applying though :)!
Basic info
What is your in game name?:

How long have you played FTB?:
Approximatly 7 or 8 months with reasonable knowledge of how the game works for the most part.

How old are you?
At the time of this post, 20, but very soon 21
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:
I'm currently a tradesman cabinetmaker who was raised and still lives on the east coast of North Queensland in Australia (due to my location and the location of where your servers are I may not be able to play due to lag, we've encountered that issue randomly a few times with other people unfortunatly). Being raised as such most of my loves are 4 wheel driving, camping, fishing, boating, tubing and generally chilling out in the outdoors with a good group of mates.
Then there's my gaming history. It all started with the Super Nintendo that my parents bought for me and my brother for Christmas and ever since then I've been hooked on mainly console gaming but my interests extend to other ventures if a good game is involved. A good community or team to play with and chat to is always a bonus when it comes to multiplayer gaming as well and as such I'm Skype capable and will even look into things like Teamspeak and other methods of communication if need be.
Until recently I was a part of a Mindcrack FTB server but the map was erased due to a corruption issue that was not finally determined, and the new map was supposed to be more community based but the new members that joined in after the reset just went their own way and ignored the overall plan so that map died out as well. I'd really like to get back into FTB but finding a player base that is actually community based similar to the actual Mindcrack team is becoming a difficult task.

Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
I've no real reason as to why you should let me join, but if I were to become a part of your player base it'll naturally be a case of mi casa es su casa with anyone welcome to come in and use power supplies, machines, gear, and even resources providing it's asked for first or only out on a borrowed term. My plan would be to form up a sort of multi-story, space saving factory for all the server to use that I've tried building a few times but have so far been unsuccessful due to the aforementioned map issues.
As to why I'd like to join, as I said above I'd like to find a good community to play alongside where there's actualy friendly communication between players. Over text I can promise to keep my cursive language to a minimum but if I'm in voice chat with someone I can't promise much, it's like a second language to me as I'm on a construction site most of the time but I will try my best when I need to.

I thank you for reading this and would really appreciate it if you consider me to join your player base. I can't promise to be a constantly active member of the community due to real world commitments but I can promise to follow all of your guidelines to the best of my abilities whenever I am online.

Happy gaming:
The Chief
Accepted. Spectacular application and I am fine with cussing as long as it is for a reason, like just cussing for no reason it dumb in my eyes :p. And I would love to help / colab with you in making a factory :)!
Basic info
Since it's public release.
EXTENDED response
I'm just looking for a community based server to join. A lot of servers are a bunch of people doing their own things, which i feel is rather boring for a multiplayer setup.
What is your in game name?:drew316
How long have you played FTB?:Since it came out.I played tekkit for about a year before FTB came out if that means anything.
How old are you?I am 13 years old.
Create a BIO on who you are:I don't want to put that online sorry.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?I want to play on a fun and friendly community.There aren't allot of servers where everybody is in a town and I have been looking for that for a while.Ypu also have the server whitelisted so there arent any greifers and i would love to add my skill of bee keeping and thaumcraft to the server.I hope you accept me im really looking forward to joining.
Hey, Um well i cant find the forms lol can u please leave a link thanks zusezuse
How long have you playing FTB: Around a month now and i love it.
Age: I'm 14

BIO: I love to play video games and go out with mates. This doesn't mean i wont be active though. I'l try to play as much as possible which would be an hour or more a day. I have been playing Minecraft since beta and i am a huge fan, also I am a nice person and easy to make friends with. I am also from Australia, just thought i'd tell you.

Why do you want to join: This server looks awesome because of its friendly community, and pretty much no banned items which i love. I have been waiting for a good server since multiplayer gets boring sometimes but playing with other people makes it that much more funner, don't know if funner is proper English but i'm using it anyway. I also watch a lot of Etho and Guude on Youtube so i learn alot from them to.

Thank you for reading my application as it takes time, and hope i get to play on this server :D
Accepted. Spectacular application and I am fine with cussing as long as it is for a reason, like just cussing for no reason it dumb in my eyes :p. And I would love to help / colab with you in making a factory :)
Thanks heaps, I look forward to meeting the rest of the player base. It appears the whitelist change has not taken effect yet but I'll wait it out :D
OH sorry, I will restart the server :)!
How long have you playing FTB: Around a month now and i love it.
Age: I'm 14

BIO: I love to play video games and go out with mates. This doesn't mean i wont be active though. I'l try to play as much as possible which would be an hour or more a day. I have been playing Minecraft since beta and i am a huge fan, also I am a nice person and easy to make friends with. I am also from Australia, just thought i'd tell you.

Why do you want to join: This server looks awesome because of its friendly community, and pretty much no banned items which i love. I have been waiting for a good server since multiplayer gets boring sometimes but playing with other people makes it that much more funner, don't know if funner is proper English but i'm using it anyway. I also watch a lot of Etho and Guude on Youtube so i learn alot from them to.

Thank you for reading my application as it takes time, and hope i get to play on this server :D
Sorry but you are denied. Thanks for applying though man :)! If you would like to re-apply send me a PM.
Basic info
What is your in game name?:Will
How long have you played FTB?:1 year
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds):15
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:I am a social person and love playing multiplayer minecraft from vanilla to FTB. I am friendly to admins and players and hope to make new friends on the server. I am a freshmen in highschool and I live in California. I play all sorts of games. I ride dirtbikes on weekends and play mostly at night. I love all kinds of ice cream and Mexican food. Id love to play on your server and hope to hear from you soon!
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? I am planning on making a Youtube series on a private server. I am hoping to make lots of bees.(I LOVE BEES!)
IGN: Tundras
I've only been playing FTB for 5months
How old am I? While it's personal, I'm 37 LOL
Extended Response.

Well lets see, I'm 37, a father and a gamer. My gaming roots start way back in the commodore 64 days and I've progressed across just about every type of console/computer you can think of. I'm a true Canadian who loves minecraft and I've been playing since the very early Beta days. I've played on a well known vanilla server for 2 years, but now I've progressed into this madness of FTB and I'm just loving it. I won't lie and say this is the first server I've applied to, it's my third. The problem I'm finding is that alot of servers get a large boom of players when they open, and then they slowly start disappearing and the next thing you know you're all alone on a server that someone else is paying for. I'm very big into a strong sense of community/family and I'm looking for that perfect fit of a server that will stay active.

Why should you let me join? I'm fun, I'm easy to get along with and I'm a team player. You're not going to have any issues/grief from me (other than some good natured teasing of course). I like to play as if my kids are watching over my shoulder, and normally one of them is telling me a better way to build it or a better design...its bad when they're getting to know this game better than me. I can only hope you review my application and find it acceptable, trust me, allowing me onto your server is not something you're going to regret now or in the future.
IGN: Tundras
I've only been playing FTB for 5months
How old am I? While it's personal, I'm 37 LOL
Extended Response.

Well lets see, I'm 37, a father and a gamer. My gaming roots start way back in the commodore 64 days and I've progressed across just about every type of console/computer you can think of. I'm a true Canadian who loves minecraft and I've been playing since the very early Beta days. I've played on a well known vanilla server for 2 years, but now I've progressed into this madness of FTB and I'm just loving it. I won't lie and say this is the first server I've applied to, it's my third. The problem I'm finding is that alot of servers get a large boom of players when they open, and then they slowly start disappearing and the next thing you know you're all alone on a server that someone else is paying for. I'm very big into a strong sense of community/family and I'm looking for that perfect fit of a server that will stay active.

Why should you let me join? I'm fun, I'm easy to get along with and I'm a team player. You're not going to have any issues/grief from me (other than some good natured teasing of course). I like to play as if my kids are watching over my shoulder, and normally one of them is telling me a better way to build it or a better design...its bad when they're getting to know this game better than me. I can only hope you review my application and find it acceptable, trust me, allowing me onto your server is not something you're going to regret now or in the future.
Accepted man :)! You can be the father of the server community haha :)! I hope you enjoy the server man!
Basic info
What is your in game name?:Will
How long have you played FTB?:1 year
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds):15
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:I am a social person and love playing multiplayer minecraft from vanilla to FTB. I am friendly to admins and players and hope to make new friends on the server. I am a freshmen in highschool and I live in California. I play all sorts of games. I ride dirtbikes on weekends and play mostly at night. I love all kinds of ice cream and Mexican food. Id love to play on your server and hope to hear from you soon!
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? I am planning on making a Youtube series on a private server. I am hoping to make lots of bees.(I LOVE BEES!)
Denied, thanks for applying though :)!