Sorry but you are Denied. Thank you for applying thoughWhat is your in game name?: Igreuterz (I hate that name)
How long have you played FTB?: 4-5 months
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 17 Years old
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are: I often hear I am very socially skilled, I am a male, 17 years old and Dutch.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? You should let me join because I think I am a great addition to your community; I like my trolling, but not to much![]()
I want to join because I think multiplayer is a great addition to feed the beast and you are a whitelisted server with certain rules that make the server fun but clean, I want to play with nice and polite people, and this server seems to be an excelent choice for me.

Thanks for the application you are Accepted!What is your in game name?: Replica616
How long have you played FTB?: I have dabbled in it since it began but been playing it a lot for a few months on and off.
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): Fifteen years of age.
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are: As the context makes rather obvious, I greatly enjoy playing video games and at the risk of sounding narcissistic, am very creative. Although for reasons that need not be said here I'm not very good with other people face-to-face, I always attempt to be polite and social, and find this much easier online, especially through the medium of multiplayer games. I try to be kind and consider other's needs, and if a disagreement occurs without someone of authority around I try to mediate on principle. I have a variety of other interests, so common pop culture references are to be expected.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?: As I said in my previous section, I like video games and am fairly creative, and Minecraft is perfect for that, allowing great creative potential for building and various mechanisms using redstone. Modded Minecraft expands this exponentially, allowing for many more things to do, as does playing multiplayer. As pretty much an answer to both sides of the question, both sides of the question, there's a lot more that can be done creatively in Minecraft and I collaborate well with others, especially in this sort of medium. As you can probably tell from what I've put previously, I really like multiplayer modded Minecraft and as such when the last server I was on shut down I started looking for a new one. I'm kind of picky, but alike somebody else above, those two words describing this server stuck out to me- "Strong Community." That is, quite inherently, exactly what I'm looking for.
Sorry but you are Denied. Thank you for applying thoughBasic info
What is your in game name?: mrdouble__
How long have you played FTB?: since it was a map
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 13
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are: I love playing FTB and most like bees and rp2/fz.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join? I love community servers and feel like i could help a lot of people

Thanks for the application you are Accepted! Good application by the way. It is very creative and I see you put thought into itWhat is your in game name?: OptionOfChoice
How long have you played FTB?: I have played FTB ever since Beta Pack A was released. Actually, 4 hours after it was released.
How old are you?(Age will not be discriminated as we have 10yr olds to 30yr olds): 19
EXTENDED response
Create a BIO on who you are:
I am currently at uni, but I live in Ontario and I study in Michigan. Finals are over, so I will be active, but to an extent. I'm very experienced at ftb, and my favorite mods are GregT, Thermal Expansion, and TC.
Why should we let you join and why do you want to join?
You are special, admin. Most servers will accept anyone, while others just make an age limit to make sure only chill people apply. Nice to know that some people actually read applications. I'm very laid back, enjoying ftb for what it is. I really like the emphasis on community, rather than things inside the game, such as how proficient you are at a mod. Makes everyone think about what multiplayer minecraft was originally intended to do. That is, have fun.

Thanks for the application you are Accepted! And you are welcomeIGN: TheChewyness
How long?: 3 or 4 months.
Age: 15
Wether I'm playing video games or doing whatever else it is I do, I just like to have fun and make the most of it. I'd consider myself to be fun and friendly as I get along with pretty much everybody and I'm always trying to have as much fun as possible. I'm an IB student and a tennis player, so homework and stuff could get in the way, although I'd still be very active on the server and in the community, at least an hour a day. I play a lot of video games, but I don't find interest in certain genre. I enjoy Minecraft the most because of the variety of things to do in it, and I feel that FTB really adds to it. I've been playing Minecraft for over two years now (since alpha) but now FTB has dragged me away from it. I now just need a nice server with some cool people on it so my turtles and I don't feel lonely in SSP.
Why do you want to join?:
Like everyone else on this thread, I'm looking for a nice, small server to join and waste all my free time on. I haven't really played much multiplayer, FTB or otherwise, but singleplayer has been getting somewhat boring for me. I've been searching for a friendly community like this for quite some time and I'm eager to meet some fellow FTBers and just have some fun. I've messed with a lot of the mods but haven't dove into any of them yet, with the exception of ComputerCraft. If anyone needs assistance with anything I'd be happy to help. I'm looking forward to becoming part of an active FTB community and this one seems perfect. I'm glad there's someone out there who actually reads these and puts some thought into choosing server members. Anyways, I don't want to make you spend your entire sunday reading applications, and I've got stuff to do so thanks and have a nice day!