Hello all, my name is SinisterRev and I will be running a Dedicated, No Whitelist, FTB Ultimate Server known as Quantum. From the creators of the "Gearz Tekkit Server" Quantum has been the most recent project. For this, we are beginning to to look for new staff members to come help tackle the issues, and be apart of one amazing server. Why this intro? Because our staff believes that being "staff" is not just a fun title. It is a job. You work for the users, not yourself. My staff plays on the server like any other person would: Survival and no game changing commands. If you want to be a part of a staff so that you can abuse powers and build in creative whatever your heart desires... this is not the server for you. If you can agree with the above philosophy, and are 18+ (or soon to be), then this may be what you're looking for. Down to the details.
Server Specs: Dedicated 20GB server with 99% uptime. Hosted by team in the U.S. List of 33 working plugins, notable plugins: Towny, BOSEconomy, Citizens, and GlobalMarket for extreme auctioning/trading. Did I mention that we have all mods enabled?! Limited ban list to decrease grief/lag but the rest is fair game! Dedicated top of the line website/forums, and a private 200 slot Mumble Server! We have it all!
Do you have a Microphone (essential for staff meetings):
Skype username: (if not happy to post please PM SinisterRev)
Short Paragraph: (Details Below)
Short Paragraph to include your Past experiences, FTB knowledge, Why we should chose you and any other information you feel it is important we know.
Please include details of any Bans if applicable
All suitable applicants will undergo a short interview
Copy and paste applications will be denied
Thank you for your time. If you have any other questions, please feel free to PM me either via skype (King.Of.Da.Rock) or via FTB forums itself. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Side Note: Especially looking for one ComputerCraft guru to do some programming on the server. If you have extensive CC knowledge, please contact me separate.