PvP: Fighting against Quantum Armour in FTB

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Johny Idler

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The other day we tried throwing everything we could at one guy at gravi (chestplate - rest was regular quantum; no enchants on) at our town. It was a town member, we were just trying to find out what works and what does not. In fact - we weren't able to hurt him (much). Vorpal did not work, holy hand grenades did nothing to him and splash potions of harming had the same effect. The only thing that really hurt him was pellet launcher that left him with half a heart. But that thing is kinda difficult to use in regular combat. So how do you kill a guy in quantum? Is there a way or do you have to drain all his energy first?
i have never used this myself, but according to an old GT wiki the tesla staff can drain the power from a quantum suit. however, it didn't work in the past and i don't know if it was updated since. you could try it.

another thing is the Tinker's Construct rapier which ignores armour i think? of course this is only available in the 1.5.2 private packs.
i have never used this myself, but according to an old GT wiki the tesla staff can drain the power from a quantum suit. however, it didn't work in the past and i don't know if it was updated since. you could try it.

another thing is the Tinker's Construct rapier which ignores armour i think? of course this is only available in the 1.5.2 private packs.
This is why rapier's are horrendously OP in pvp. Seriously, you can make a a semi-decent rapier in under 5 minutes and make armour that takes several hours to get completely pointless.

Other than that, the nano saber has a special effect of draining nano and quantum armour exceptionally quickly, though I don't know if it affects the gravichestplate since that is not vanilla IC2.
Just keep on killing th guy until he run out of juice. He doesn't even have an Ultimate solar helmet right?
If you can keep them under the lava for a good while with a gravity gun or a portal gun, the lava will suck away the energy from their boots, pants, and chest plate rather quickly.

As long as they don't have Optifine to turn off the fog, they won't be able to see you either and they can't move since they're being pulled around by the gravity gun.

Also, solar helmets don't work in the nether. Or they shouldn't, at least. So their armor won't be able to regenerate.

If you can't get them into a lava pool in the Nether while wearing a fire-resistance potion yourself (or fire-resistant armor) then you're screwed trying to fight a guy in quantum or a gravisuit.
Put a portal gun portal on the ceiling in a small 2x1 tube with a Mystcraft portal on the floor. Have the Mystcraft portal teleport him to a warded stone enclosure filled with lava. Shoot the other portal at his feet. Bonus points if you make the enclosure out of warded glass and watch as he is helplessly burned to death over a 5-minute period.
i have never used this myself, but according to an old GT wiki the tesla staff can drain the power from a quantum suit. however, it didn't work in the past and i don't know if it was updated since. you could try it.

...Damnit. People really need to get the word out somehow that the Tesla Staff always is/was/has been a joke item, Greg advertised it as a really expensive thing that can one hit quantum, but it is/always was "completely untested", meaning that it was never intended to work in the first place, and in fact you can not even hit entities with it.

I play on a war server, and really this thread has a good question that is hard to answer. If you're using voltz (with IC2 added in of course, or just using ICBM in general), sonic missiles are among the most effective things I know to kill quantum, although that is somewhat abusing a glitch; strictly speaking from a Direwolf/Mindcrack standpoint though, one of the things I have found to be most effective is an EV electrical trap with MFSUs sending up-converted EUs into a loop to more MFSUs, as previously stated, MFFS works well, an IC2 Nuke (or 4) can get the job done easily, but with a massive amount of collateral damage if not properly contained, and the last thing I know of that has not been previously stated is... sand or gravel, for some reason the IC2 Hazmat suit protects against sand or gravel suffocation after they are dropped on top of you, but the quantum suit does not.
...Damnit. People really need to get the word out somehow that the Tesla Staff always is/was/has been a joke item, Greg advertised it as a really expensive thing that can one hit quantum, but it is/always was "completely untested", meaning that it was never intended to work in the first place, and in fact you can not even hit entities with it.
`against sand or gravel suffocation after they are dropped on top of you, but the quantum suit does not.

I always wondered what damage running electricity through uninsulated cabling can do to you. Always wanted to make a mob trap that used electricity to shock the mobs to death, but I never got around to it.

I would assume that LV deals the least damage, while EV deals the highest. Or QEV (quad EV) from Gregtech would do.
I would assume that LV deals the least damage, while EV deals the highest. Or QEV (quad EV) from Gregtech would do.

Yeah, QEV would do the most, but GT is the only mod with cables that can handle that voltage, and as far as I know there is no way to get uninsulated cables capable of handling packets of that size as GT's superconductors are insulated.
Yeah, QEV would do the most, but GT is the only mod with cables that can handle that voltage, and as far as I know there is no way to get uninsulated cables capable of handling packets of that size as GT's superconductors are insulated.

Can't the HV cables handle any voltage?

I thought they could, but they were branded as HV cables because people would think that they're EV only if they weren't.

Might be wrong though.
Superconductors (or supercondensators) do kill a player in full quantum + gravy (see nebris' FTBLP)

Or use a Vajra.
I disapprove very much of using lava to kill someone. It isn't nice to lose armour that takes hours to get... Besides, I thought you couldn't pick up other players with a gravity/portal gun?

Aside from that, as everyone is saying, get some QEV packets flowing through through a superconductor and they're toast. Then you can let them collect their items, which won't be destroyed (unless you want to be banned from your server).
Umm, guys... You don't need any other mods aside from Industrialcraft 2 in order to kill someone wearing Quantum armor.

The nanosaber is specifically designed to do exactly that. It shears armor off the wearer. A few hits, and their precious armor will disintegrate on their bodies. If they aren't dead by then, the next hit will surely do the trick (considering nanosabers also do 10 full hearts of damage non-crit...)
Umm, guys... You don't need any other mods aside from Industrialcraft 2 in order to kill someone wearing Quantum armor.

The nanosaber is specifically designed to do exactly that. It shears armor off the wearer. A few hits, and their precious armor will disintegrate on their bodies. If they aren't dead by then, the next hit will surely do the trick (considering nanosabers also do 10 full hearts of damage non-crit...)
That's nanoarmour, it doesn't have quite the same effect on the Gravichestplate/quantum armour. Especially seeing as Gravisuite isn't vanilla IC2.

Anyway, if you can find a way to dump them into the void (gravity gun, mystcraft portal etc) then they'll die (Only MPS protects from void damage). The problem is that none of these solutions work too well in actual combat and require a decent amount of planning.
Superconductors (or supercondensators) do kill a player in full quantum + gravy (see nebris' FTBLP)

Or use a Vajra.
Vajra dosent do any damage to quantum/gravisuits its like a nano saber on quantum/gravisuits dosent really do anything evan know its meant to be the most powerful tool