[Public pack] Saccheggio a Minecraftia | Looting in Minecraftia

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Jul 29, 2019

Looting in Minecraftia | Saccheggio a Minecraftia
by q9c9p ( the face )
3rd party modpack code q9c9pT1st

A pirate themed mods collection for adventurers.

A little history:
This modpack was started by me ( IGN q9c9p aka "the face" ) and _Ics. It was conceived to be a pirate/medioeval/magic themed collection. At some point me, _Ics and his crew parted our own ways and I kept updating and playing the modpack with my brother and some people ( about 8 ).
There is very little tech but a lot of structures, dimensions, mobs and magic. It is meant to be played in normal-hard.
I'm keeping it updated and clean, on my website you can find the launcher and the zip file for those who want to install it on their own, both in the launcher instances folder and in the zip I maintain a CREDITS.txt, a README.txt, an INSTALL.txt and a CHANGELOG.txt.

Now I would like to make it public, this modpack and the multiplayer server are completely no profit. I just do it because I find it fun for now, it may close it may not, nobody is Nostradamus. :)
The mods colection:
"Due credits where credits are due!" aka "A Cesare cio' che e' di Cesare!"

I like to thank you all, for this the list is in no particular order with all the credits (it was alphabetically sorted but i screwed up something in gnumeric at the last moment) , back links and permissions status:

* Reika for giving us permission to include Rotarycraft, DragonAPI, Expanded Redstone.


* BalkonDeurAlpha for giving us permission to include Archimedes Ships.


* TheKomputerKing for giving us permission to include AngryMobs. [ Its removed for now, the angrymobs drops too much food and it spoils the game, it might makes a comeback soon ]


* Ganymedes01 for giving us permission to include AnotherOneBitesTheDust and GanysNether.



* Atomicstryker for giving us permission to include Kenshiro Mod, Battle Towers, Ruins, Ropes+, InfernalMobs.


* Sthullen for giving us permission to include BossCraft II.


* Torojima for giving us permission to include ChocoCraft.


* Azanor for Thaumcraft IV.


* LycaonX for Advanced Thaumaturgy.


* Eydamos for the BackPack mod.


* iChun for BackTools and his library utils.


* BiblioCraft team for BiblioCraft BiblioWoods and the addons.


* WayOfTime for Blood Magic.


* BuildCraft team for BuildCraft.


* Mineshopper for Carpenter's Blocks.


* ChickenBones for ChickenChunk, CodeChickenCore, EnderStorage, Wireless Redstone, NotEnoughItems.


* Denoflions for CreeperCollateral, denLibs, DenPipes, Plugins for forestry and GateCopy.


* Micdoodle8 for CrossbowMod2


* Stuuupiiid for giving us permission to include DungeonPack


* Alex Binnie for ExtraBees and Extra Trees


* Sengir and the forestry team for Forestry


* Wasliebob for Forestry Extra


* MrTJP and Chickenbones for Project:RED


* chylex for giving us permission to include Hardcore Ender Expansion


* pitman-87 for giving us permission to include Herobrine Familiars Mods ( Its removed since Ars Magica won't cope, it was a hard choice, it might make a comeback if the issue get solved )


* Kobata for Inventory Tweaks


* Shadoclaimer for Metallurgy 3.


* Profmobius for Waila and Jabba


* Koadmaster for giving us permission to include Koadmaster's Pirates


* MysteriousAges for MagicBees


* james94jeans2 for MiniMapSync


* wildbamaboy for Spellbound ( Its removed, too many conflicts and I could not handle it, it will make a comeback when I have time to fix all ID conflicts )


* Myrathi for Obsidiplates.


* Zaneris for Zan'sMinimap


* Nekosune and Pixlepix for Thaumic Tinkerer and KAMI


* Riggs "Just do it" Tooples for Tinker steel Addon


* MinecraftTNTstuff for giving us permission to include TooMuchTNT


* Cojomax99 for giving us permission to include Tropicraft


* cpw for UniversalIronChests


* Emoniph for giving us permission to include Witchery


* NukeDuck for giving us permission to include WallJump


* Rich1051414 for Damage Indicator Mod


* Chocolatin for ChocolateQuests/BetterDungeon


* RWTema for Extra Utilities


* Wasliebob for Thaumcraft Extras


* Jammy780 for Jammy Furnitures


* Mithion for Ars Magica


* Railcraft team for RailCraft


* Alz454 for EnhancedPortals 3


* HitchH1k3r for Torch Levers


* Benimatic for The Twilight Forest


* StanH for MineTweaker


* Moze_Intel for Soul Shards Reborn.


* SpitefulFox for Forbidden Magic.


* Flaxbeard for Thaumic Exploration.


I'd like to thanks again all the modders that are maintaining the mods which compose this collection, those who answered requests and those who let their mod free, thank you all so much for the days of fun that was and to come.

A bigger description:
The collection contains many world generating mods to have more villages, more dungeons, more bosses and more dimensions to explore.
For the tech components we decided to include Rotary Craft for its awesome steam punk concept, Buildcraft so that anybody who is acquainted with mods can get a grip on quickly, metallurgy 3 because of its usability and facility to learn for new players and because was something new for us for armors to go with Tinker's construct and its uniques tools and weapons.

While trying it for the first time remember that iron suite of armor is the lightest thing you will need to have a chance to survive a tower or a dungeon or even a single night.

Beware of the nether PigMan mage or become yourself a wizard or a witch with Thaumcraft IV, Ars Magica 2, BloodMagic, Witchery, or just sail the seas of minecraftia looting and pillaging anything that comes at you.

And really important, if you have multiple passengers on your ship or flying vessel and you want to travel be sure to let them down and then fly low to pick them up or they will fall taking fall damage as soon as you "start/load/compile" the ship.

The Archimedes Ships engine have a crafting recipe, thanks to minetweaker, but it is very expensive and spans 4 mods.

The modpack contain as an extra the Kenshiro Mod, may the sacred school of hokuto be with you.

Known issues: READ ME!
  • Ender storage has some issue and when you look at an enderchest or endertank the whole rendering of the game flashes in white light. I am aware, as soon as I find what I did wrong or if is a common/known bug it will be fixed.
  • Beware of carrying people on the ship of archimedes ships, if you start the ship with people "on deck" not sitting they will fall from the ship.
  • Ecates mobs from Ars Magica are somehow stuck, they do not move. When they will be fixed I will enable them again.
  • When you die knapsack from tinkers construct "drop out of the grave", it is not stored in openblocks grave so if the chunk stay loaded you will lose your knapsack, as soon as I can figure how what I did or what is wrong it will be fixed, I have not check if it happens with gany's nether undertakers.
  • If you have a computer 64 bit be sure to have java 64 bit.
  • The modpack requires minimum 2 giga of dedicated ram and PermSize of 256 mega.
  • More to come :D


If you don't like us to include/distribute your mod please message me ASAP and I will comply immediately in removing the mod, same goes if you think the link we used is wrong please contact me ASAP.

Mods list, credits and links back:

For an indep permission spreadsheet with screenshots click here

May the fist of the north star be with all of us.

Pardon my maccaroni english since its not my native language.

One last note/thanks giving:​
I ( q9c9p ) would like to thanks especially:

Reika, for always answering to questions even when I was wrongly reporting stuff, thank you for your patience and kindness;
BalkondeurAlpha, for making our minecraft dream to sail around minecraftia a reality;
AtomicStryker, for making us all mighty adepts of the sacred school of Hokuto;
Ganymedes01, for his kindness;
Cojomax99, NukeDuck, Koadmaster, Stupiiid, MinecraftTNTStuff, Emoniph, TheKomputerKing, Sthullen, Pitman87, FatherToast for always replying to questions;
Captain _Ics for the inspiration and my brother DevilDeva for taking over the server setup.
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