
PPG or Protective Power Gaming is a new group of youtubers / streamers I'm trying to get organized.
I have everything thought out, and I decided to post this on the FTB Fourms (That's what we'll be playing, FTB Ultimate) to get people to join our group.
There are a few conditions however:
- You have to be willing to upload to youtube, streaming is optional.
- You have to be *very* mature.
- You must have a Skype and be willing to voice chat.

The application should be in this format, or else we will take longer to get you accepted or denied.
Youtube and or Twitch account:
Skype: (you may delete this if I accept or deny you for privacy reasons)
Experience With FTB: (1 = I am a noob. 10= I know EVERYTHING.), Or mods that you are good with.
What's your favorite color:
Anything Else?:
Male / Female?: