Greylist Server Promethea[1.4.7][Ultimate v1.0.1][TownyAdvanced][BOSEconomy][ChestShop][SecureChests]

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Taking it to the FTB forums isn't gonna let you get back in. And if you had actually bothered reading and trying to grasp the concept of our rules, for just one time, you'd understand that we have no appeal process. Because all administrator decisions are final. All.

Thank you.
Wow you really believe in your non-existent power. I've been back on your server for hours now. Don't bother comparing IPs, I use a proxy.
Yes, you don't respect server rules. So what else is new.

It's immoral of you to expect someone to respect rules that the author of said rules doesn't respect.

Or was there something in your rules about being respectful to other players that allows them to constantly harass you every time you log in and make a suggestion? Or a hidden part on profanity or a need to prove you're badass to the other players.

Face it : you selectively enforced said rules on a whim, and made up additional rules when you felt like it. This destroys their validity as rules.
Face it: you were banned from the server, but can't stand it, so you took it to the FTB forums and chose to sneak your way in with alt accounts.

We're all done here though. You'll never be unbanned, and you can try and call me out all you want. This is the last post I'm making on the issue. But hey, thanks for the bump.
Not seeing what you are saying. You'd never unban me? Even if I brought the server down with a hack or a DDoS for days at a time? Wow that's a stubborn means of thinking.

Besides, I am playing on your server right now. (well, not NOW NOW since I don't want you to figure out who it is...). What exactly does your ban prove?
We now have MobArena as a plugin for some added challenge!
See how far you can get, prizes include in-game credits as well as some mod items!