I think that one of the criteria for mod inclusion is likely longevity. If FTB are going to replace RP2 - and that is by no means certain, as a release pack is probably a couple of months away - then they have a selection of mods to choose from. Immibis has one, there's this one, and I think there's a third one as well. Alternatively, they might just go with MFR's rednet as a functional "advanced redstone" replacement, and Forge Multipart for aesthetic builds.
Also I don't know if those are Eloraam's textures or not, but they're so similar that they might as well be and that's a copyright issue. And yeah, grey area, I know. I'd be astonished to see a direct clone added to FTB while Eloraam is still active.
Oh I see you're talking about non-FTB pack. No comment.