This amused me to an extent, I just realised how I spent my evening.
Project: Automate my wheat, potato and sugar farms
Desired end result: Automatic farming using Agricraft Crops and Industrial Foregoing Gatherers.
Stages involved:
1. Breed three sets of seeds up 10/10/10. Done. Took about an hour and a metric ton of bonemeal.
2. Build Gatherers. [Problem: Don't have any latex to make plastic for Gatherers]
2a. Build latex production system [Problem: Out of space on main floor of base]
2a(i). Dig out basement level below main floor [Problem: Huge mess of cabling under floor getting in the way]
2a(ii). Tidy underfloor cabling, move down a couple of y-levels to unfinished early-game digging works, dig out rest of basement. [Problem: Forgot to add staircase, no room to tidily add staircase]
2a(iii). Build RFtools elevator system to get from machine room to basement level.
2b. [Problem: Realise bare rock basement looks ugly].
2b(i). Use pleasant Chisel blocks and a mix of ProjectRed and Mekanism light sources to make area look nicer, TiCo clear glass to wall off aforementioned open cast mining pit. [Problem: No power or ME channels]
3. Run cabling from Colin and Draconic Energy plaything, hide tidily behind walls.
4. Set up treetap machine thingies plus formation panes to export wood from ME network.
5. Tank to collect latex
------ The above is finished, below is still to do
6. Automate smelting of latex into plastic sheets
7. Built Gatherers
8. Create and decorate new space for auto-farm setup
9. Set up farm and connect to Colin.
All bloody evening this has taken me and it's still not finished XD
Project: Automate my wheat, potato and sugar farms
Desired end result: Automatic farming using Agricraft Crops and Industrial Foregoing Gatherers.
Stages involved:
1. Breed three sets of seeds up 10/10/10. Done. Took about an hour and a metric ton of bonemeal.
2. Build Gatherers. [Problem: Don't have any latex to make plastic for Gatherers]
2a. Build latex production system [Problem: Out of space on main floor of base]
2a(i). Dig out basement level below main floor [Problem: Huge mess of cabling under floor getting in the way]
2a(ii). Tidy underfloor cabling, move down a couple of y-levels to unfinished early-game digging works, dig out rest of basement. [Problem: Forgot to add staircase, no room to tidily add staircase]
2a(iii). Build RFtools elevator system to get from machine room to basement level.
2b. [Problem: Realise bare rock basement looks ugly].
2b(i). Use pleasant Chisel blocks and a mix of ProjectRed and Mekanism light sources to make area look nicer, TiCo clear glass to wall off aforementioned open cast mining pit. [Problem: No power or ME channels]
3. Run cabling from Colin and Draconic Energy plaything, hide tidily behind walls.
4. Set up treetap machine thingies plus formation panes to export wood from ME network.
5. Tank to collect latex
------ The above is finished, below is still to do
6. Automate smelting of latex into plastic sheets
7. Built Gatherers
8. Create and decorate new space for auto-farm setup
9. Set up farm and connect to Colin.
All bloody evening this has taken me and it's still not finished XD