I think it's quite useless to implement such a feature if you can only get it asking 20 mod developers for permission. We're not taking the mods to some weird place, we're still playing Feed the Beast because we launch the mods from within the launcher. I don't even want to add any other mods than those already in the ultimate pack, but I want to have the option to disable a few mods by default, and instead of telling everyone what they need to activate/deavtivate have the launcher do it for me. I understand the developers right to keep their property safe, I'm a developer myself, but if everything stays within the launcher, I don't see the problem.
Minecraft was made big by being so community friendly, open and moddable, so please don't bureaucratize things too much just because the evil T pack did things wrong.
PS: Sorry for picking up on an old thread, I needed to get this off my chest