Preferred wall / floor / ceiling thickness...

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Jul 29, 2019
I usually go for something in the sky so my floors are usually 3-4 blocks thick.
Granted I should probably try something else but I like looking down at other people who can't fly and laugh at them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually go for something in the sky so my floors are usually 3-4 blocks thick.
Granted I should probably try something else but I like looking down at other people who can't fly and laugh at them.
Time for a derp-tower! Nice username, btw.

The thickness of my walls is going to increase a bunch, not to hold anything, but because I plan to rebuild grand central station in minecraft.

I'm already weary of this project.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
usually I pop a filler down and fill every cave with cobble ;)

I so need to do that sometimes. Getting very tired of having bases with miles of mineshafts running all over the place. Almost as bad as underground ravines. :/

meh, not OCD. Hate people calling themselves that... if everyone that claimed they had OCD actually had OCD... the streets would be empty!

So do I. Because if people who thought they were OCD were, they would know it's OCPD and not OCD. :cool:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually go for something in the sky so my floors are usually 3-4 blocks thick.
Granted I should probably try something else but I like looking down at other people who can't fly and laugh at them.

I used to do that in Vanilla, it's less fun in FTB because everyone and their aunt has a jetpack.

meh, not OCD. Hate people calling themselves that... if everyone that claimed they had OCD actually had OCD... the streets would be empty!

Self-diagnosis of mental illnesses is so stupid that it makes WebMD look useful.
Jul 29, 2019
Time for a derp-tower! Nice username, btw.

The thickness of my walls is going to increase a bunch, not to hold anything, but because I plan to rebuild grand central station in minecraft.

I'm already weary of this project.

I get bored with a project after an hour of building it.
Then I go and build another one.
Rinse and repeat.
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hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
usually my bases are just weird holes in the ground... especially when I played the technic pack.

no, I need much more space, and every time my base is too crowded, I set up a new larger base... usually a large box of made of stone.

the newest base however has a new approach: boxes in the size of 16x16 (aligned to the chunks), soon the new blocks will be 18x18, with 16x16 in the inner part.

every floor has a second support-floor below, with just 2 blocks height (next cubes will have 3 blocks height). and the cubes are interconnected with IC2 teleporters. teleporting isn't really energy saving, but I have loads of thorium... so... who cares.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I get bored with a project after an hour of building it.
Then I go and build another one.
Rinse and repeat.
I know what you mean. It's especially aggravating early game. Huge biomes doesn't help either.

I'm never playing huge biomes again. They are massively fun, unless you're looking for a space to place your base.

In-Base teleporting
Well, power shouldn't be a problem for you, it's not very long distances. Space would be, though, how do you fit in all of the teleporters?

Off to redesign an inter-base teleportation system with a corresponding power supply.

Speaking more of walls and ceilings though, I keep my ceilings 1 thick or less, and just run my wiring and such through a central pillar in all of the rooms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right up until you want your TE conduit to cross over your IC2 cabling. Except, of course, only immibis microblocks covers TE conduit at all. (or rather, did)

Then there's AE, that also needs to cross.

Okay, one block walls and a pipe nightmare under the floor, with the machines party sunk into the floor. I was also shocked but pleased to see that AE cables can accept BuildCraft facades.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OCD = Obsessive Compuslive Disorder. This is the one where people feel compelled to do an action repeatedly. Lock a door 15 times, exactly. Wash their hands repeatedly, etc.

OCPD = Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. This is the one where people feel compelled to ensure everything is orderly. Alphabatized, the proper number of items in a row, matching patterns, etc.

So when people are talking about making the layout of their base just so, and call it OCD, it sets off my OCPD. >.>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Monk would approve, from behind a glass wall, ten feet back, wearing surgical gloves, a mask, and separated air. Change that to a monitor just showing the room you're in, preferably recorded, and digitized.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I live in a cave right now and most of mi floors are one wall thick but I usually have tunnels from power and pipes to run through


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So when people are talking about making the layout of their base just so, and call it OCD, it sets off my OCPD. >.>
Except, I don't do it for organizational purposes.

Not having 3 thick walls, ceilings, and floors creates a sort of anxiety that is only alleviated by insuring that my pattern is done to completion. I feel obligated to do this even if I'm not running cables or pipes. It's more because there may come a time, and then there's also my early nether/ghast experiences ...

From wikipeida:
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry; by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety; or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions.

Btw, thanks for your erroneous clarification, but your context is wrong.

In the future, I'll be sure to consult the DSM-V before making similar tongue-in-cheek remarks. :rolleyes:

FFS, as much as I enjoy these mods, this community is seriously plagued with "supposed" intellectual one-upmanship and complete social ineptitude. :confused:

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
I briefly had a base with three-thick floors and ceilings to allow my Logistics Pipes sorting system and IC2 power system to remain mostly behind the scenes. In my next base, I just said "screw it" and left that mess of pipes and cables exposed to the basement, with just a single-layer floor above them.

This was before the advent of facades, by the way, back in 1.2.5.

Lately I just go with one-block-thick walls, floors, and ceilings. With covers, facades, and construction foam, I can hide just about everything in that one-block-thick space. Anything that needs more space is just left out in the open in my basement or up in an attic of sorts. I tried hiding lots of stuff away inside walls, under the stairs, and underground behind the walls and under the floor of my basement, but that left my house annoyingly empty with all of the cool stuff like power generation, ore processing, and conduits all hidden away.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, power shouldn't be a problem for you, it's not very long distances. Space would be, though, how do you fit in all of the teleporters?

Off to redesign an inter-base teleportation system with a corresponding power supply.

Speaking more of walls and ceilings though, I keep my ceilings 1 thick or less, and just run my wiring and such through a central pillar in all of the rooms.

the teleporter + supplying MFSU are integrated into the floor and hooked up with the power grid, they require virtually no space.

the only thing is, the minimum teleportation distance is 18 blocks. because between each box, there is at least one chunk of empty space. (I wanted to have an interesting looking base)


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Glass ceiling/floor- one block. I like seeing my epic tube/logistics network and watching stuff fly about. (Mobs never spawn either.)
The hard bit is avoiding any holes in the glass when connecting machines on top to the piping under it. (holes in glass looks messy)

Walls are mostly glass- lots of natural light, looks epic underwater.

DANGER!! Contains a creative world screenshot at the end. Open at own risk.






New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My base in a square (vertical view)

StoneBricks: Z Air/tubing: X

XXXXXXX<Here goes energy to other levels, connected to my first level)
XXXXXXX<Here goes Liquiducts for the next level, connected to my first one)
ZXXZ<Liquiducts connecting)
ZXXZ<Energy connecting)
ZXXZ<Applied energestics) Then > Machines.
ZXXZ<energy connecting)
ZXXZ<Liquiducts connecting)
XXXXXXXX<Here starts energy for current lvl)
XXXXXXXX<Here starts liquiducts for this level)
XXXXXXXX<Generators and stuff)

Base level:

Z< Tank roof
Z< Tank base
ZX^Liquiducts input