Problem Pre-rendering a map in Feed The Beast: Ultimate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've searched quite a bit for a solution, but unfortunately anything I've turned up is either outdated, or incompatible with FTB:U.

Is there a way to prerender a FTB:U map within, say, a 10,000² area? ForgeEssentials has a (very weird) version of WorldBorder installed that can render them with the fill command; But it is EXTREMELY slow: taking an estimated5 days to complete!
It used to have a 'turbo' command, but that was removed in the latest versions because "The filler is threaded now."

Before I switched my server to Ultimate, we used Tekkit and I was able to render a map of the same size in three hours using Minecraft Land Generator, which was able to handle rending in the FTB Alpha.
Even with all the extra mods, I see no reason why rendering a map of this size should take more than a day.

Does anyone have some method of rendering this maps that won't take my server down for nearly a week?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use MCPC+ and just added worldborder myself. Just set your borders and then run the fill command. Anything inside the border will be rendered, and you can expand the borders and do another render later.

I use Dynmap, so its nice being able to see all that terrain without having players loading it all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use MCPC+ and just added worldborder myself. Just set your borders and then run the fill command. Anything inside the border will be rendered, and you can expand the borders and do another render later.

I use Dynmap, so its nice being able to see all that terrain without having players loading it all.

Yeah, I just got a similar answer over on Reddit; I wasn't entirely aware of MCPC+; Installed it and ran worldborder through that and I rendered the entire thing lickity split.

Thanks a ton!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use MCPC+ and just added worldborder myself. Just set your borders and then run the fill command. Anything inside the border will be rendered, and you can expand the borders and do another render later.

I use Dynmap, so its nice being able to see all that terrain without having players loading it all.

How are you managing to use dynmap? the forge version refuses to render (cant load a certain class) and the bukkit version seems to have a memory leak problem, at least on my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Forge version is not for use with MCPC+, use the version that says its for MCPC+. Make sure to get the latest version, although that might be whats causing my memory leak. . , But it also might be Wireless Redstone or Chicken Chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, that's the one i tried (the bukkit version is the same as the MCPC+ version). The latest version is definitely causing a memory leak, because without it the server runs fine. As soon as i enable it, we eventually bottom out and the server kills itself. I tried the dev version of dynmap and that didn't help either (wouldnt run at all)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So here is what I did.

First off I'm running MCMyAdmin on A Ubuntu Server VPS on a Colo I am running, 4gb of ram and 2 virtual cores (Win Server 08r2, yah, don't ask). MCMyAdmin has a FTB mode, but only for FTB-Beta-A, so I set it to ForgeMod and renamed the FTB Ultimate Server "ForgeMod.jar" and run the server. Everything Works, so I add in the ForgeMod version of DynMap, everything still works. YAY, not run "/dynmap fullrender world", some time later I have a tiny square of a map, YAY?

So, I want to fix this tiny Map. Say, 5000 meter radius from spawn. Nice and big.

I tried ForgeEssentials with WorldBorder, that kept chucking out errors. Then I tried MCLandGenerator, but I couldn't figure out how to use that, and it said it was for vanilla, so I didn't trust it. I had people tell me to use turtles with chunkloaders, or perl scripts to teleport people to grid locations, or plop down a chunk loader and change the server settings and set the loader to some exorbitant number. (I don't think I have the ram for it)

Then I happened upon this post and tried that.

I followed the MCPC+ instructions on local server and got confuzed by the instructions to put the Bukkit World border mod in the "mods" folder, wrong, it goes in the plugins folder.

When running MCPC+ I chose to run as little as I could, so I disabled Dynmap, and just ran the server with the stock Ultimate Mods. Once in and OP'ed, I could run the "/wb set 5000" and "/wb fill confirm". And comes the rolling text and console output.

So I moved to the server and set it up to generate the chunks. I stopped the server, renamed the ftb server jar "ForgeMod.jar.ftb" added in the MCPC_Plus.jar" renamed it "ForgeMod.jar". I moved over to the plugins folder, added in the WorldBorder.jar, then over to the mods folder and renamed the the Dynmap mod "". Started the server, logged in, OP'ed my self, and ran the commands "/wb set 5000" and "/wb full confirm". Que scrolling console output.

I got to 50.2% and then the server crashed because it ran out memory, and I just reboot the server through MCMyAdmin. Once the server came back up, it continued its fill operation where it left off, nice.

6 hours later with a short reboot 3 hours in, The operation completed, YAY. now to disable MCPC+, re-enable Dynmap, and start rendering the map files. First rename MCPC+ jar to "ForgeMod.jar.MCPC+", rename FTP jar "ForgeMod.jar", delete the WorldBorder plugin, and rename the Dynmap forge mod "". Start the server, login, "/dynmap fullrender world", and watch the pretty pretty text roll by.

12 hours later and the flat map is done, but its still rendering the isometric map, so no memory leaks, but boy is it taking forever.




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, so you're doing exactly what i wanted to avoid :( switching back from MCPC to normal forge. I prefer MCPC because it allows for plugins without causing ridiculous amounts of lag when generating terrain like Bukkitforge does. Would prefer to stick with MCPC and have a working dynmap at the same time that doesnt memory leak, unfortunately right now i'm not sure that's possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, so you're doing exactly what i wanted to avoid :( switching back from MCPC to normal forge. I prefer MCPC because it allows for plugins without causing ridiculous amounts of lag when generating terrain like Bukkitforge does. Would prefer to stick with MCPC and have a working dynmap at the same time that doesnt memory leak, unfortunately right now i'm not sure that's possible.

Well when I was running MCPC+ with WorldBorder and no Dynmap, I kept getting errors from mystcraft and craftbukkit (I think, i cant find it in my logs), and I would like to revert back to a state where i can track bugs and compare them to to the Forums, I dont want to deal with adding on more stuff that can go wrong.

Plain old FTB server settings and jar's with the addition of the Forge Dynmap has not show any memory leaks, running MCPC+ with just WorldBorder did.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird. Not getting any memory leaks with MCPC+ and worldborder. As soon as i add Dynmap the leaks start.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well , I don't know your configuration, your memory, java version, os setup, local hosted or server, vps or dedicated, what you are running and what you are not. A small note, I only know that the memory leak happens when I'm generating the chunks, it seems not to unload them properly. I don't need WorldBorder for anything other than generating the chunk data, its done that, so I disabled it, and if I don't need WorldBorder I don't need MCPC+, I don't know why you need it set up that way. And I don't know if MCMyAdmin is catching the memory leak and halting it, or something else. Yah, I would like some "Bukkit like" server control and admin features, but I don't want the can of worms that could cause. No one is really using the server yet, as I am still setting stuff up for it, so I don't know if it will go wrong, or what will go wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you ever happen to find out what is causing the memory leak with Dynmap?

Just reinstalled a new server yesterday, FTB Ultimate, ran server, replaced with MCPC+, ran server, everything working fine. The second I install dynmap and start a full crashes a few minutes later...:(. Having a hard time finding much useful info about it


Actually just came accross this from the Dynmap Developer:

mikeprimm said:
*** Announcement for folks using MCPC+ and BukkitForge ***
I've been encountering a number of increasingly hard to deal with issues with continuing to support MCPC+ (and completing BukkitForge support) via the Bukkit version of Dynmap. This is due to the combination of that version needing to bypass the Bukkit API to function properly (particularly for the sake of supporting custom blocks and biomes), and due to difficulties with those platforms successfully implementing some of the Bukkit APIs I need (particularly with regard to chunk loading and unloading).

I've decided to address support for these platforms as follows:

1) I'm updating the Forge version to support running on the MCPC+ platform. Some of the internal changes pulled into MCPC+ from CB/Spigot require special handling, and the current dev build of the Forge v6.5.0/v6.6.x Dynmap (for 1.6-alpha-2) should now properly handle this. Since BukkitForge runs on a "normal" Forge server, there isn't special handling needed here.

2) In order to allow for support for Bukkit mods that use the Dynmap API (as well as support for leveraging Bukkit API provided capabilities, such as the various permissions mods), I'm writing a new plugin - DynmapCBBridge. This will be a Bukkit API compatible plugin that will only be usable in conjunction with the Forge version of Dynmap - basically, it will look like Dynmap to any Bukkit mods that support the Dynmap API, so that they will be usable (e.g. dynmap-mobs, Dynmap-Essentials, etc would be usable on MCPC+ with Dynmap-Forge plus DynmapCBBridge).

In any case, I think this will allows us to better align with these platforms - which are really "Forge with Bukkit added" versus "Bukkit with Forge added" (like the old MCPC/Tekkit Classic was) - by making our supported implementation "Forge with (optionally) Bukkit added" too.

For folks interested in try this out, I'm hoping to have download links for DynmapCBBridge available in the next day or so (along with releases of 1.6-alpha-2 for at least 1.4.6/1.4.7 and 1.5.1).

*** Announcement for support for 1.5.x style texture packs ***
Support for these is going to be a "little slice of hell" for me - the nature of the texture pack change is that it will force every supported mod to refactor its texture resources as part of porting to 1.5. This will both slow down ports of those mods (more for some than others, I'd imagine) AND will basically create a support discontinuity for me (e.g. the renderdata support for BC will either be structured around the 1.4.x texture mapping, or around the 1.5.x texture mapping). My plan at this point is to split the existing renderdata mappings - keep the existing 'renderdata' directory and files, for the sake of pre-1.5.0 mods, and start a new 'renderdata_15' directory for mod mappings specific to 1.5 or later. I will likely do something similar for the default texturepacks. As a result, Dynmap will runtime detect the version of MC being used, and load rendering support from the appropriate directory (although I will include a setting to allow folks to force use of one or the other mapping - so that you can continue to use a 1.4.7 texture pack on a 1.5 server, if you choose to do so - just with the understanding that some 1.5 specific stuff may not render properly). This may also be desirable for folks using currently supported mods, as it will take time for me to migrate to the new texture mappings for each mod (and I cannot start doing so before the given mod has been migrated to 1.5). In any case, this is going to be a long and painful transition, so please be patient.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I am generating and rendering the map files again, and this time i caught the errors that the server spit out.

Again, I downloaded the FTB server files, ran it, stopped it, switched from ftbserver.jar to MCPC+server.jar. ran it with bukkit's WorldBorder plugin, set the border to 5000 meters/blocks from spawn and then ran the fill command.

this is what I got:



If any one can translate, that would be awesome. The server only crashed when it ran out of memory on my first try, and this time around I doubled it. Oddly it would get down to 2.5gb of free ram and then go up to 6-7gb of free ram. More Ram is better.

As you see its still processing, once its done I will stop the server, remove WorldBorder and MCPC+, reinstall the FTBserver.jar, and install forge Dynmap 1.5, start it and start the render, which last time took over 50 hours, so yah.

As for the quoted text above, I didnt see a updated Dynmap jar/zip and until I do, and I am sure the forge mods are not going to conflict with Bukkit.