PowerSuits is VERY OP

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On servers, it causes horrid lag if you turn up the speed with sprinting, with jet boosts assist or something like that. Spending 1/3rd of the mats, not even 1/3rd of the mats it cost to make a GraviChest, its much too OP right now...

If you have a server, I suggest (You can tell me STFU it's okay) disabling it for now, or nerfing the power of the suit. I could have nerf'd the suit, but I sat for an hour with the config. Lazy or not, I just disabled it.

Don't get me wrong, it's an AWESOME mod! I do like it, don't think this is a bash on the mod, and I think it's amazing, but for the server I run, the graph and the lag it produced when 2 people ran is just absolutely hoorid.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
generally, generating huge amounts of chunks in a short time will cause any server to freeze up, no matter how powerfull (unless they have raid 0 ssds, but that is a different story...)
if you really don't like it, only disabel the pants as those are the only thing that causes faster movement (correct me if I'm wrong)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you have Gregtech you can enable the Gregtech balanced recipes for the suits!