Power supply, where to go next?

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Jul 29, 2019
Currently i have 8 combustion engines running on biofuel to produce 40 MJ/t
And 6 geothermal generators (not sure how much they produce each)

What would be the next level of power?
or should i be using a different source completely?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steam boilers. Low pressure variants for fuel efficiency, high pressure variants for sheer output.

For EU, steam turbines or nuclear reactors. The latter especially if you run GregTech. And in that case, you can also set your sights on the fusion reactor in the far future... and in the near term, upgrade your geo generators to GregTech thermal generators for 20% more EU/t and 50% more total EU per lava bucket.

EDIT: Oh, and if you have too much nikolite: a field of 128 redpower solar panels surrounding a single blulectric engine will push 24-25 MJ/t during the day.
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Jul 29, 2019
Steam boilers. Low pressure variants for fuel efficiency, high pressure variants for sheer output.

For EU, steam turbines or nuclear reactors. The latter especially if you run GregTech. And in that case, you can also set your sights on the fusion reactor in the far future... and in the near term, upgrade your geo generators to GregTech thermal generators for 20% more EU/t and 50% more total EU per lava bucket.

EDIT: Oh, and if you have too much nikolite: a field of 128 redpower solar panels surrounding a single blulectric engine will push 24-25 MJ/t during the day.
Thanks, i will probably get the redpower engine as i have 53 stacks of nikolite :D
I will probably upgrade my generators as well, though im not at the point where i want to build a nuke reactor