Portals Spawning Everywhere!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, For some odd reason im having nether portals spawning everywhere on my server, they are spawning in the overworld, and i have even seen a few spawn in twillight which seems weird. Now i've had this problem for some time now and it just keeps getting worse even when i've tried to tear down all the portals which are being used and rebuild them back up, and link them to the correct coords in nether, and they work as expected,
even with all the nether portals that are being used are linked, im stilling spotting more and more nether portals just just spawning randomly places in the over world, and a few in twillight.
im becoming clueless of what i can do, since i cant find that many people with the same problem, and none with a solution that fits my problem

Here are a few screenshots where you can see them spawning randomly places.

(sorry for the links, for some reason i am unable to upload them or insert them as images)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/vkn53xwwnftgknr/2013-10-13_01.27.18.png - spawning in mid air

https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9bk90rl3qgvio0/2013-10-13_02.02.37.png - even spawning randomly in my building....

https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcf9d2lcak0qbki/mapofportals.jpg - here's a map of where i've spotted netherportals. im sure there are more then what i can spot.

i am familiar on how nether portal works, and they will generate if no corresponding nether portals are in the correct coords (or close to it), thats why this seems even more stupid that they keep generating even when the linked portals work as the should.

I am running an unleashed server with a few players around 5-8 players, the only extra plugin i have on the server is Mytown and Dynmap.

any help is very much appreciated.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is kind of weird... The only thing I could think of, is that one player is just trolling and planting portals everywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've experienced this problem too, everytime I used a nether portal it would create a new portal. The problem for me was a plugin. Can't remember which one though. Have you changed something to your plugins recently?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its impossible for another player to build a nether portal in my house, or build anything for that matter.

i honestly dont think its my plugins, i have mytown and dynmap, both are not capable of spawning nor creating blocks

more portals has spawned since i posted this, and i think it has something to do with entering nether, since it has quiet down when nobody is entering nether


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me it was only happening when I entered the nether too. Either way, I removed the latest plugin I added and everything was fine again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, i found out that it was my "Mytown" plugin that was causing this, but only when you did a /t Spawn or /home that would teleport you, somehow nether thinks your entering a portal when typing those 2 commands.

i still have the plugin installed on my server, i just removed the ability to do those 2 commands through permissions.

since i did that, portals has now finally stopped spawning ;)

hope this helps,
