Portal gun question.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, i'm giving portal guns to the people who donate on my server, and i was wondering, are the guns still unique? I mean, if i give the same default portal gun to 2 players, do they share the portals as before?

Portal guns for whatever reason share the same portals, which is why there are so many guns. I'm hoping that this will be different in the future.
Have you tested that recently?

The minecraft forum post states: "This is your special set of portals on SMP. Unique per individual."

Is there a better place for info than that post?

EDIT: I see at the top that it mentions the data is not currently up to date. A link to iChun's blog is there, but I don't see info one way or the other. I would assume Joey is correct.
Atleast for the 1.4.2 version the portals were overriding each other if two subjects (lol) got the same portal gun, i don't know if it's fixed.
Portal Guns will link together. Portal Guns like the Bacon and Potato Portal will not link together as players may choose a color for their portals.
At least this is from my current experience and understanding.
How can i choose the color for the portalguns ? (bacon and potato), also is there a way to prevent people by moving blocks with the guns?
As far as I'm aware, the bacon and potato guns automatically assign colours unique to the player, but I don't think you can choose a specific colour for the gun (I may be wrong). Also I think the colour changes depending on who is holding the gun, so if you pass the same bacon/potato gun to someone else and they fire a portal, it will be their own unique colour. Again I could be wrong, can't test right now ;)

The portal spawner block does allow you to choose a colour for it, so there may be a mixup of information along the lines somewhere.

The portal gun config will allow you to fine tune a whole load of settings, but for some reason it's in the world folder, not the config folder. Take a look there.
I've edited the portalgun config in the world, if i'm not wrong if i assing the portalgun grab option to whitelist and I write nothing in it, it won't allow the players to pickup anything, right?

Thanks for the answers.
It sounds correct, but as I said I can't test right now and I haven't blocked picking up blocks so I don't know for sure.

I've only disabled the moon portals' grab blocks feature - you might want to check that out too if you haven't completely disabled moon portals altogether.
I've set the graboptions to whitelist w/o anything on it and people can still pickup items.
graboptions {
# Block grabbing black/whitelist IDs + metadata
# Format: id: meta: meta, id: meta, id, id ...
# Example: You don't want ID 1, 2, 3 and 4 to be grabbed, but only metadata 5 and 7 for ID 1, and only metadata 9 for ID 2.
# Example: grabBlockListIDs = 1: 5: 7, 2: 9, 3, 4
# If you need a more proper explanation visit: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/199391-/page__view__findpost__p__13392100

# Block grabbing mode (How a grabbed block turns into a block again)
# 1 = Blocks snap to surroundings
# 2 = Blocks fall to the ground
# 3 = Blocks float when released

# Boolean:
# Block grabbing whitelist enabled?

Also it seems to lag like hell if you try to grab a block, atleast with the potato.
Hmmm. I'm assuming you did the obvious and did restart the server after changing the config, so perhaps try adding at least one block to the whitelist, something boring, like dirt? See if that triggers it to become a whitelist. If that works to block all other blocks except dirt, you could then try setting a non-existent block id as the only id in the whitelist and see if that works for blocking everything including dirt?

I haven't noticed any lag, even when a player was moving a zombie spawner around right beside me, but I could imagine the block updates could cause at least some graphical lag depending on the computer.
K, got some news regarding the grabing from the portalgun, i've been talking with pig in ichun's irc and he said that we need to update to atleast the v4 version of portalgun, mindcrack 8.1.1 is using v2 i think. The moon portals options is in the cfg inside the world folder.

moonportals {
# Enable moon portals?
# 0 = No.
# 1 = Yes, for all players.
# 2 = Yes, but only for command executers.

Hope that helps :D
Yeah, pig was a bit upset that mindcrack hasn't updated yet, since IMO this is a huge issue, people bypassing protections with the grab of the portal gun should be fixed asap.