Pokewolf: The Elements and their Guardians - Game Thread!

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I also "tried" to use my power on pyure at N1!

3 seers scanned me D2? You all must love me.
heh, when dylanpiera said that Sky had pretty much won and all they have left is to see whether magma or aqua wins, I took that as multiple teams being able to win. Oh well, it was fun.
I'm pretty sure he said that multiple teams are able to win, given their win conditions are met at the same time.

Since Magma Team still outpowered Sky Team by the end of game, sky didn't win.

If J didn't get smitten Sky Village would have likely won too.
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I think that even if J hadn't gotten smitten, Magma certainly could've won. I had thought J was the last Aqua the last day, based on his opposition to Pyure's wagon on dragon_fang, and I was going to try to scan him last night to confirm that. I also told Sora and Nojr basically everything that I knew:

You added me to a Team Magma convo based on a tip from somebody who you weren't certain was actually on your team in the first place? What if I'm Aqua? Or, potentially worse, Sky? Not that it's likely to matter at this point in the game, anyway...

Anyhow; Sora's correct in that I am actually on Team Magma. I'm the Mightyena, even.
List of scans:
N1: Vike; Dylan derped and didn't tell me his role
N2: Pyure- wait no, SpwnX; Dylan derped again and told me Pyure's Salamence and SpwnX is Magma Poochyena
N3: Vike again, blocked by Victini (thanks for roasting Pyure, by the way; I'd have rather had him dead than Vike's role anyway)
N4: Striking; is Aqua Poochyena
N5: Vike for the third time; is Shaymin
N6: The_J; to be revealed

Is that it? I think that's it.

Anywho, after I got SpwnX's role, I told him what I knew; after he got Tord (Baltoy) and Sora's (Numel) roleclaims, he relayed them to me. I asked him to ask Sora to roast some of the votes on him (although SpwnX may have- and probably did- get that idea first) so as to prove Sora's role, which worked.

After SpwnX got skykilled, I contacted Sora and Tord. Tord told me that one of the guys in the Aqua convo he infiltrated said Leth's Rayquaza, and (sensibly) asked for my role (I didn't give it initially in case he wasn't Magma). And then he got skykilled, too.

And then Sora told me about you guys and it looks like he told me about you.

So, roles of living players that I'm pretty sure of:

Someone Else 37: Magma Mightyena
Sorazodia: Numel
Nojr: Camerupt
Lethosos: Rayquaza, if Tord's contact was honest (and Tord also said Leth's reaction to his vote seemed skyish)
Vikestep: Shaymin
Strikingwolf: Aqua Poochyena

And these are the ones I don't know for sure; guesses based on reading the main thread and counting role reveals:

The_J: Probably the last Aqua Poochyena; will confirm tonight
Theepic: Probably Magma Poochyena, based on his reaction to Pyure's wagon on dragon_fang
Lenscas: Whismur? I dunno, a couple of his posts seemed a bit skyish.
Heilmewtwo: Magma Pooch??? Dunno, he's been super quiet.

So, unless either of you have any better ideas, I'll scan J tonight. Hopefully he'll be Aqua, in which case we can lynch him tomorrow and close out the game (unless Rayquaza cancels the lynch, in which case we'll lynch him again the next day).

Sound like a plan?

Granted, I wouldn't have been able to tell them that J was confirmed Aqua because I'd have been dead by that time (Took ya long enough, Sky Village); but I've little doubt that one or the other of them would've been able to rally a bandwagon on J based on my hunch and end the game a day later. And if Rayquaza canceled the lynch and killed another Magma, there'd have still been three Magmas alive. If the Skys knew that they had to keep J alive, they could've teamed up with him and gotten four votes on one of the other Magmas and proceeded to take over the game from there.

Big kudos to SpwnX for squeezing that roleclaim out of Sora. Without Sora proving his Numel-ness by saving SpwnX from the lynch (but not the Sky), I may not have managed to contact any other Magmas, which means I wouldnt've been able to get anyone to lead bandwagons on Aquas for me.

Anyhow, good game guys. This one was fun.
I'm pretty sure he said that multiple teams are able to win, given their win conditions are met at the same time.

Since Magma Team still outpowered Sky Team by the end of game, sky didn't win.

If J didn't get smitten Sky Village would have likely won too.
Lets not worry about it. They are just salty they lost ^^;
To someone else's quote, the only reason why I voted for dragon was because he was allergic to cats.