Pneumaticcraft automatic control with vanilla redstone ideas


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I built this simple bit of vanilla redstone in my world to shut off the compressor when the system gets to 4 bars of pressure. That gauge emits an analog redstone signal with a signal strength of 2x the psi. So when the pressure hits 4 the signal is strong enough to move the 8 blocks and hit the NOT gate (the torch on the block), turning off the redstone signal to the compressor. This all works great. Most of the time. When it doesn't work it blows up. I think what is happening is it is sometimes flickering on and off a bit and causing the redstone fizzle effect. And then when it fizzles it stops working long enough to blow up. Any ideas on how to fix that and smooth out the signal so it doesn't ever flicker?


Mod solutions would be OK too but I don't have a whole lot of mods in this pack. I tried steve's factory manager with a redstone receiver and redstone emitter but couldn't get it to work reliably. Sometimes it would work but sometimes it would just not work - not really sure why.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Take away the not gate or torch and run the redstone directly to the compressor

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Take away the not gate or torch and run the redstone directly to the compressor

The signal has to be inverted to work. That is the reason for the not gate. If you run the signal straight into the compressor it will just keep running until it blows up 100% of the time. And it will never turn on in the first place. That meter generates a redstone signal proportional to the pressure in the system.