Pneumatic-craft Refineries! (Warning, PICS!)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Yay! My first post!)
I' ve never played too much with this mod, but the new release looks awesome!
I play mostly creative focusing on mods mechanics and integration (sometimes by math and sometimes dy trial by error) and Pneumaticcraft was something I never took too seriously, but I was curious about the new heat mechanics so i gave it a try, results were pretty intresting!


So, for people new to Pneumaticcraft, it' s machines either produce or use heat, heat users need it to work, heat producers need it removed to work (Increasing heat leads to reduced efficiency), the most "controllable" source of heat in Pneumaticcraft are vortex tubes, they split an incoming air flow into a cold and a hot streams (They really exist, and they' re awesome!).


To work efficiently vortex tubes need their "unused" face need, in that case, to be warmed up, I' ve done this by using them to cool off the compressor that powers them (More powerfull compressors produce a lot of heat), by doing that I keep the compressor cool and the refineries hot as hell.


(The red compressor supplies air to other machines).

Heat is used by the refineries to crack the incoming oil in four different products, Diesel, Kerosene, Gasoline (BC-Fuel) and LPG (liquid propane gas wich is now used to craft plastic instead of random plant seeds).
Everything is powered by kerosene, the most useless of the four, that also gets refined really fast so I still have a net build up of it, diesel is cracked down first into kerosene again and then refined to Gasoline by two rows of thermo-pneumatic processing plants (to avoid buildups), LPG is stored for future fun.


So this build here looks nice right? But it' s pretty useless alone, that' s why Gasoline, this thign can power Two immersive Engeneering diesel generators and still it produces more fuel than those two beasts are sucking, wich is a lot! (They also look and sound really nice :D)


They produce 8192RF/t, or roughly 4 Megawatts of power and they will run as long as there' s oil incoming!
This is not something that would come early in game, but I think it looks better that countless BC-refineries and RC-Boilers :p
I hope you like that thing, next step will be using the LPG (And maybe some more kerosene) to power a plastic production plant and see how much i can get from it in mb/tick :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like crap compared to Magneticraft and Immersive Engineering's refineries. Been trying to get into Pnuematicraft for the drones but the mod's mechanics are so tedious and annoying, its slow going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm definitely going to dwell into Immersive Engeneering processing pretty soon (So far I'm in love with the furnace and the wiring, not happy about the power loss though, ended up disabling it, also the transformers are too far from the real world, they' re just limiters/adapters).
Speaking of P.Craft I actually like the idea of cracking fuel by heat and heat mechanics, the need of cooling/heating some machines and how dynamic the result is, it could be expanded in more flexible/realistic ways (Like water chillers/heat exchangers, getting things somehow steamy), but it' s not that bad.
On the other hand, I don' t think it' s a good thing to have to setup something like that just to produce plastic, it' s highly scalable yet it doesn' t make much sensa on a small scale.
From a functional point of view it would be not worth the effort, but in the end it' an intresting mod, I'm not going to play it in survival though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like crap compared to Magneticraft and Immersive Engineering's refineries. Been trying to get into Pnuematicraft for the drones but the mod's mechanics are so tedious and annoying, its slow going.

how so?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Well theres a bit of a learning curve, pipes exploding and all that. And as for the aesthetic appeal...I am getting spoiled by IE and Magneticraft. Pnueumaticraft looks fine, I should not have said "crappy"...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well theres a bit of a learning curve, pipes exploding and all that. And as for the aesthetic appeal...I am getting spoiled by IE and Magneticraft. Pnueumaticraft looks fine, I should not have said "crappy"...
yeah, although i liked the look of the pressure chamber way more before it got changed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then we have opposing positions on that front. Before, they were practically untextured.
yeah, but the new texture looks to.. un-plain. like, it just has to much stuff on it, with unnecessary and too visible black borders, and before it went will with the chamber valve, and it seemed more... simple. like, there was no texture because really, they didnt really need such a colorful texture as they do now (yes, im calling grey, lightgrey, white, and black "colorful") they had like, some mottling, or something, idk, but they were simply grey, and i liked that look. made it seem industrial, plain, efficient, etc. they didnt need a vibrant, loud-ish texture.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah, but the new texture looks to.. un-plain. like, it just has to much stuff on it, with unnecessary and too visible black borders, and before it went will with the chamber valve, and it seemed more... simple. like, there was no texture because really, they didnt really need such a colorful texture as they do now (yes, im calling grey, lightgrey, white, and black "colorful") they had like, some mottling, or something, idk, but they were simply grey, and i liked that look. made it seem industrial, plain, efficient, etc. they didnt need a vibrant, loud-ish texture.

I get your point, now it looks more cartoonish. Most mod authors just arent good texture artists and should outsource imo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After a bit of tinkering, I think it is too difficulty oriented, water and cryoteum turning STONE when they get too hot just to increase cooling-related headaches it' s way too much...