Please keep FTB Beta A listed

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so I was watching a back episode from Slowpoke and about a hour in he started talking about removing the FTB Beta A pack. I realize ok it's a beta. But what about all those servers that started using FTB from day one. You go and remove that and all those worlds are dead. I admin on a server and we were under the impression that everything was going to be done to prevent a reset. Now I see no way around it, from the sounds we either have ic2 or twilight forest / extra biomes. Which means blocks removed, work lost.

I am begging that until a replacement pack is ready to please keep the FTB Beta A pack listed in the launcher. I'm guessing I won't get any favorable response but I just don't see the harm in keeping it listed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The FTB Beta A is beta and subject to changes and updates as it "grows". As it does update, so will the server's files and configs. It will most likely be put into a proper pack that is virtually the same as the beta pack is now with updated configs and updated mods. Nothing will happen to your worlds or anyone elses. If that still scares you, import the pack as it is now into MultiMC and you won't have to worry about the pack being removed. The launcher adds some ease to the process of playing with the FTB mod pack, but it is not the only way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly it's not me I'm worried about, it's the others on the server. I've put together mods and setup configs on my own. But the others on the server have no experience with that. But what I was posting about slowpoke had said he would like that pack gone in a month. I'm just hoping it's not until their is a viable replacement that has all the mods currently.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please keep in mind this will not be an instance of the full mod packs arriving, and then the beta pack disappearing in the same instant. There will be a bit of lag time inbetween to help situations such as this where servers and their members need to make decisions on what packs they want, and then make a smooth transition.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the reply Morvelaira. In the stream I was hearing that we were gonna have to choose between the tech pack and the magic pack. Which on my server simply doesn't work without a world reset. So if I am understanding what you are saying, the plan is to keep the beta pack until we have something besides magic/tech pack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That statement isn't entirely inaccurate. There will also be an "Ultimate" pack, which should have almost everything contained in the other packs. At this point in time we know we can't include every mod that shows up in the disparate packs, but we don't currently know which ones won't make the cut. I know for my own server, I plan on going to the Ultimate pack once it is available. I foresee having to have a meeting with my partners in crime making decisions on how exactly we want to set configs, and what needs to be done to the world in order to prepare it for the coming changes. Then we'll need to send our minions to work making those changes, etc. That's the majority of the lag time I foresee.