So I'm playing on a laptop. It's a nice laptop, to be sure, but it's definitely a laptop. (A Sony Vaio VPCF1 something something). It's got a nice-ish non-integrated video card, and I've upgraded to 8gb or ram. I could run unleashed quite well, and I've been running TPPI with decent framerates, but inevitably, as a world grows larger and has more machines going things, stuff starts to slow down, sometimes badly. So I've got a few questions that folks with more experience may be able to answer for me.
1) EnderIO conduits are pretty fancy - 5 kinds of tubes in a single block! I've heard some folks say that "compressing" your tube/wire system into less space helps with lag, but I've seen other arguments that say the density of EnderIO conduits can cause problems on weaker systems. Should I be looking to avoid EnderIO? Or is it actually more worth my while to switch to Ender IO for all my tuby, wiry needs?
2) Void ages reduce lag a lot, don't they? If I set up my base in a mystcraft void age, would everyone pretty much agree that that will provide a nice boost to my performance? I noticed that playing Agrarian Skies, I almost never had lag or FPS issues except in a few isolated instances of stupidity.
3) Automated farming - Forestry or MFR? Assuming I set them up to be approximately the same amount of space, is one or the other of these going to save me FPS? What about bees; Industrial Apiary vs. an automated apiary? Are there any other "performance hog" blocks with friendlier alternatives that are good to know about? I'm not usually the type to spam large numbers of machines unless completely necessary, but sometimes it feels like my FPS takes a hit and it's difficult to pinpoint where from.
4) What about mods like factcraft or optifine? I know that these are sometimes controversial (I've seen a curiously high number of internet fights about optifine), but even if there's no consensus on which (if either) is better, are these at least worth looking into?
Edit: 5) I'm fond of building my bases vertically, and packing everything into a small cluster of chunks - usually a 2x2 or 3x3 square of chunks. Is this good for performance, or does it make more sense to spread things out more?
Sorry for the wall-o-questions, but after an unfortunate occurrence in one of my last worlds, I'm feeling a bit gun shy about starting a new world without knowing exactly what kinds of options I have regarding performance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!
1) EnderIO conduits are pretty fancy - 5 kinds of tubes in a single block! I've heard some folks say that "compressing" your tube/wire system into less space helps with lag, but I've seen other arguments that say the density of EnderIO conduits can cause problems on weaker systems. Should I be looking to avoid EnderIO? Or is it actually more worth my while to switch to Ender IO for all my tuby, wiry needs?
2) Void ages reduce lag a lot, don't they? If I set up my base in a mystcraft void age, would everyone pretty much agree that that will provide a nice boost to my performance? I noticed that playing Agrarian Skies, I almost never had lag or FPS issues except in a few isolated instances of stupidity.
3) Automated farming - Forestry or MFR? Assuming I set them up to be approximately the same amount of space, is one or the other of these going to save me FPS? What about bees; Industrial Apiary vs. an automated apiary? Are there any other "performance hog" blocks with friendlier alternatives that are good to know about? I'm not usually the type to spam large numbers of machines unless completely necessary, but sometimes it feels like my FPS takes a hit and it's difficult to pinpoint where from.
4) What about mods like factcraft or optifine? I know that these are sometimes controversial (I've seen a curiously high number of internet fights about optifine), but even if there's no consensus on which (if either) is better, are these at least worth looking into?
Edit: 5) I'm fond of building my bases vertically, and packing everything into a small cluster of chunks - usually a 2x2 or 3x3 square of chunks. Is this good for performance, or does it make more sense to spread things out more?
Sorry for the wall-o-questions, but after an unfortunate occurrence in one of my last worlds, I'm feeling a bit gun shy about starting a new world without knowing exactly what kinds of options I have regarding performance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!
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