Let's try and put that incident behind us.
Now, the votes have been made to put the old thread out of its misery. The next thing to decide is where to make the next RP. I'm going to make a strawpoll, but please, when you vote, say your reason why as well in this thread, to better display all of the pros and cons.
We have three options as I see it (feel free to offer another):
1) Make another thread
+Easy to find here
+You needn't make a new account or use a new site
+New people can find it, and see if they like it
-We can't have quite as loose rules in terms of gore, language, etc.
-Organisation can be a hassle
-Locating different arcs will be difficult
2) Make a PM RP
+Especially easy to find here
+No need for a new account / site
+Fewer rules on content
-It's harder for people to know if they want in later on
-Organisation can be a hassle
-Locating different arcs will be awkward
3) Use a new site (Most likely IwakuRP or WTFRPG, possibly RPnation)
+Organisation is a breeze compared to staying here
+Locating arcs will be simpler, especially on WTFRPG
+People can have a quick look to see if they wish to join
+We're more likely to get experienced RPers from the site that we choose itself
+It's got my vote!

-Need a new account and to learn the new site
-Fewer rules on content, but more than a Pm, dependant on site