New Will:
I, trajing, leave my apartment to playerismc, possibly just in spite so that everyone can interpret this as a baseless accusation.
My laptop shall be disposed of in a way that's good for the environment. Really, electronics can do awful stuff when burned, and it doesn't decompose well.
My money, cash, dough, what-have-you shall be given in equal shares to Pyure, Shazam08, Eruantein Eruanten Eruantetienten Eru, and Strikingwolf.
The key shall verify the authenticity of this will. The key shall not be changed. Should it be changed, it shall be apparent that this is a forgery. The key is as follows:
Oh, yes, and I'm a Vampire. Did I forget that? The people who I've sucked blood from are as follows:
N1: Pyure
N2: Exedra
N3: Eruantien
N4: HeilMewTwo
All people except the most recent are not wolves or vampires. The most recent is unproved, as I may have been killed by the church, wolves, or by drinking the blood of a wolf or vampire.