Summary of the problem OreExcavation 3x3 cube
Pack Version 2.5.6
What is the bug? Using a Tinkers construct tool, or the chicken stick from Ex Compressum results in only a 3x3x3 cube being 'vein-mined'
Mod & Version
OreExcavation 1.1.31
Tinkers' Construct 1.8.8
Ex Compressum1.1.143
Link to log file
Is it repeatable?
Tinkers construct tool(Any with atleast 1 free modifier)
EC's Double compressed diamond hammer applied to the modifier slot
Ex Compressum's Chicken stick
(Any normal breakable block with listed tools will break in a 3x3x3[cube])
Known Fix
Pack Version 2.5.6
What is the bug? Using a Tinkers construct tool, or the chicken stick from Ex Compressum results in only a 3x3x3 cube being 'vein-mined'
Mod & Version
OreExcavation 1.1.31
Tinkers' Construct 1.8.8
Ex Compressum1.1.143
Link to log file
Is it repeatable?
Tinkers construct tool(Any with atleast 1 free modifier)
EC's Double compressed diamond hammer applied to the modifier slot
Ex Compressum's Chicken stick
(Any normal breakable block with listed tools will break in a 3x3x3[cube])
Known Fix