so this is my most recent project it is a mining\sorting\smelting\refining complex it is still unfinished, but the basics is a cart system picks up mined mats and takes them to the pumpkin station(pics with orange and green wood) unloads them separates the ores based on each ones refining process and sends them to the prospective refining stations . ATM i only have the one refinery station part of the way done. its pretty awesome (i love this game) heres a basic rundown of refining
ore--->Grinder(breaks it down to basics)
mixer(cleans and seperates)
furnace(reduces to purest form)
Crystalizer( self explanitory )
furnace 2nd time(turns them to ingots)
Yeah the wiring and timing for the whole thing has proven quite difficult but fun i like a challenge.
heres a link to album online with all picks
Photobucket album for ORE PROCESSING PLANT